New Feelings.

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         "Chris I-I'm in a relationship." I breathed. "He doesn't have to know. Just know that I really do want to be with you. I think you're so beautiful and amazing." Chris pleaded. Damn. "I, I feel like you always pull me in. Your smile makes me melt. I love everything about you too. But I shouldn't be feeling this. This is wrong, I'm in a relationship." I blurted. "Forget about your relationship. I don't want you to think about your relationship while you're with me. When you're with me, I want you to think only about US." Chris said. I can't help it. I can't fight this feeling. So I kissed Chris again. He held onto me and just made me feel loved. "Let me take you home." Chris said. I didn't even feel his lips leave mine. We got up and walked to the car and began our drive home.
         "Thanks for tonight." "You're welcome beautiful. I'll call you in the morning." Chris replied kissing my lips one last time before letting me out. I walked to my door and unlocked it. I looked behind me and waved to Chris. He waved back as I began to close the door. I still felt his lips on mine. His kiss took me on a new high. I feel like a school girl who just had her first kiss. I really like him and I know that eventually I'll grow to love him. But, what do I do about Dylan? I still love Dylan. I feel like a slut.  Just ewwww. "Hello?" "I have a problem."
| Oooo, Miranda catching feelings ! Didn't Chris sound kind of possessive in this chapter. But who did Miranda call ? Comment. Vote. Fan. -Andrea |

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