146 4 4

Its a me Mario: baby I like your style
Emmers🐼: grips on your waist
Kangaroo: from way back way
Kelpsy🌱😂: You know that I don't play
Bruuuuuuh💩:streets not safe
Milk Boy🍼🍼: even when I'm away
Queen of Musical.ly👑: OT OT
Coco's father🐛:there's never much love when we go OT
Markypoo: I pray to make it back in one piece
Werewolf🐺: I pray I pray
BastaBeans🎉: that's why I need a one dance
Hoe😂jk: got a Hennessy in my hand

RiceGum has been added to the groupchat

RiceGum: one more time for I go

RiceGum has left the groupchat

Donald trump has been added to the groupchat

Donald Trump:Higher Powers taking a hold on me(make America great again and vote for trump)

Donald Trump had left the groupchat

Coco's Father🐛: what
Emmers🐼: the
Markypoo: ever living
Kangaroo: fu ck



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