Chocolate counts as salad

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rules: you have to write 13 facts about yourself 

i tag ClaireValdez and ConnieHsueh, two of my favorite people

1. motto of the day: It costs nothing to be nice.

2. I went out for lunch and it was so hot. But when we were about to get home it started pouring. literally pouring.

3. I just found out that chocolate is a vegetable. Chocolate comes from cocoa, which comes out of a tree. That makes it a plant. So chocolate counts as salad.

4. I love mint chocolate ice cream, but i haven't had one in forever. 

5. ClaireValdez who got you into pretty little liars? THANK HER (i'm assuming it's Teresa) Pretty Little Liars is so good but i'm still on season 2 lol

6. one direction's 6th anniversary is coming up. I'm so emotional.

7. ClaireValdez tagged me, fyi.

8. I am so not ready for 10th grade i feel like im gonna fail everything.

9. i lost my laptop's charger

10. "you still love to squeeze into your jeans, but you're perfect to me" is the best lyrics ever. 

11. i miss school

12. i miss mr. buck's geometry class 

13. i miss you guys ClaireValdez and ConnieHsueh. i keep tagging you ahahah im laughing so hard

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