Meeting the Blueberry

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As you and chara walked, you had forgotten about the cold yo the point were you didn't feel it! Well the problem was your body felt it as you were shivering and your teeth were chattering and your lips had turned blue since you weren't prepared for cold weather... Chara looked mightily concerned.

*I think we need to get you inside soon... you look unwell.

Nah I'm fine!! There's no problem here!

You replied as you walked forwards you saw paps and sans nearby and stopped as they were talking.

"As I was saying about Alphys... wait is that a human!!!!"

Sans squealed happily, paps shrugged

"I think that's a lamp bro..."

Paps stated and sans sighed in disappointment.

"But what's that in front of the lamp?"

"HUMAN!!! A really SICK looking human!"

Sans said and ran over to you with paps following.

"Are you alright human your shaking and your lips are blue like my eyes!!!"

Sans stated excitedly while paps eyes narrowed in concern,

"Actually you don't look too good..."

Paps stated and put his hand on your head to feel your temperature, being cold you couldn't even feel that.

"Your frozen kid! We need to get you inside quickly!"

Paps picked you up and started walking,

"Close your eyes a minute kiddo"

You do as he said and all of a sudden everything around you feels wierd, then it was all normal.

"You can open them now, I took a shortcut."

You open your eyes to see yourself in front of a house. Paps pushes the door open and walks in, you were a shivering mess while paps put you on the sofa and put blankets and pillows and a hot water bottle on you.

"These should help kid, sorry I didn't realise you were so cold earlier I would of got you warm if you had said something. "

Paps stated as he walked into the kitchen to make you something warm obviously. Chara watched him and you carefully.

*are you ok? Except from being a popsticle of course.

You just sighed at chara and turned round,

I need sleep chara, I suggest you rest too

Chara nodded in concern and sat down on chair, scanning her surroundings as you fell into a deep slumber.

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