Girl meets Money

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John Quincy Adams Middle SchoolHistory Class

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John Quincy Adams Middle School
History Class

The students came in. A dollar was on everybody's desk.

'Hey! A dollar! They're finally paying us to come here.Dopes. ' Maya smiled at the dollar.

'I'd come here for nothing. You know why? I have to. Stupid law.' Ashely scoffed.

'Wait, everybody has one.' Riley realized.

'So, what do you got there?' Cory entered.

'It's a trap. Everybody just give your dollars to me, and I'll hold them is what I'll do. Yeah.' Maya smiled.

'Liar.' Ashely said in between coughs.

'The United States government says that these pieces of paper are worth something. What makes them valuable? Farkle, do it.' Cory called on Farkle.

'Paper money used to be certificates that you could exchange for their equal value in gold or silver. Before that, people would buy things with livestock, colored stones, or shiny objects. ' Farkle informed.

'I like shiny objects.' Riley spoke up.

'Which one of these shirts is better? Same size, same color, same shirt. One of these comes from Cheapo's and costs $12.99, the other one comes from Demolition and costs 36 bucks. So, which one's the better shirt? Riley? ' Cory called on her while holding two identical t-shirts.

'Watch our little fashionista go.' Maya smiled.

'Go Riley.' Ashely smiled.

Riley stood up and went to the centre of the classroom.

'The Bleh shirt on the left, though appearing to the untrained eye to look the same... ' Riley told the class.

'It's the same shirt. ...' Cory told them.

'is not from Demolition, making it inferior. ' Riley continued.

'Same shirt.' Cory repeated.

'I will take the Demolition Bleh.' Riley told him.

'You already did. This is your shirt. You spent 36 Washingtons on it.' Cory gave her one of shirts.

'It costs more, so it's better.' Riley smiled.

'Same exact shirt from the same exact manufacturer that sends it to a million different stores all over the world. ' Cory chuckled

'Mine's better. It feels good on my face. ' Riley rubbed the shirt on her face.

'This is your shirt. I changed the labels this morning.' Cory held out the other shirt.

'This shirt hurts my face! Give me that one.' Riley quivered.

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