Chapter Six: Rune Searching

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The ground shook beneath us, and a loud rumble shook the entire city awake. Doors opened and window shutters were flipped open as heads popped out to see what had happened. It was so bright that I tried to shut my eyes, but realized that they were already screwed shut. Through the haze of light, I could still see the world clearly, as if any man-made structures weren't there at all. I raised my arms again and forced the ether to contract, forming a mostly invisible bubble in the sky, shielding the city from potential threats from the sky. My arms swayed left and right, this time forcing the ground together as a mountain range formed next to the castle wall, forming a natural barrier. I lowered my arms and blinked my ethereal vision away.

The king leaned on the safety railing, looking out at what I had just created. His look of awe was humbling, and when he directed his gaze back at me, it was one of immense respect. "You should have these runes back, they have laid dormant for years here." I opened my mouth to say thanks, and he held up a hand. "No need for formalities, they were yours to begin with."

Later that day, I was squirming in my seat, Ruby hadn't returned after a whole month, I was afraid I would lose her completely. I took my leave from the kingdom, much to everyone's dismay. I left it standing tall, amongst its new protective mountain range and ethereal shield. The sun had already begun its steady climb up into the sky, telling me silently to make haste. I slung my new pouch of runes over my shoulder and felt it cling tightly to my back. This was the start of my adventure, I had to seek out the other runes to finish my collection, what comes next were to be said later. I had made a very hard decision before leaving, a feeling deep in side told me that I was never one to show off. So instead of flying on a platform held aloft by the unnatural forces of the ether. I had decided that I was an adventurer without powers, resolving to using them only when truly needed.

With my thoughts fresh in my mind, I left the gates. I checked my pouch and my sword, the latter hanging loosely in my new sheath which was part of the pouch. I was ready.

As soon as I left the safety of the mountains, I called upon the powers of the runes. The dead branches on the ground slowly shifted to face a certain direction, in which I headed towards. The mucky smell of the forest soon filled my nostrils, and my waterproof boots sank deep into the muddy ground. A small moss-covered stone path appeared from the gloom, according to the runes, turns out was the right way. Wherever my destination was, I was going to find out very soon.

The trees broke away to reveal a confusing view, it looked like a cave with a skylight, other than that, it was void of interest. I took another step forwards to look out of the natural skylight but the ground slid away from under me. I tumbled backwards onto the hard rocky pathway, cushioning my fall with the soft embrace of the ether. I looked downwards at the huge gaping hole that just made itself known. A tower of some kind sat at the very bottom, its peak barely reaching the top of the cavern. I immersed myself in the surrounding atmosphere, and began my descent into the darkness.

Darkness enveloped my world within seconds, loose pebbles tumbled down far below me, making ambient splashes that sent chills down my spine. I lowered myself even more, using my sword to puncture the soft muddy wall, creating handholds for myself. I passed by the highest window of the tower and looked into it. The window immediately darkened, as if sensing my presence. With both my hands outstretched, I reached out as far as I dared from the tunnel wall and tried to push the window open to no avail. It glowed brightly when I pushed my muddy hand on its silver frame.

"Protection spells..." I mumbled wearily to myself. I slid down the wall as fast as my aching arms could, passing by window after window that darkened every time I tried to look into it. Finally I saw the bottom of the tunnel, tufts of dead grass and shrubs littered the desolate place. I looked upwards at the entrance of the tunnel, which was now a tiny little dot in the darkness. I made my way carefully towards the entrance of the tower, alert and wary for anyone who could possibly ambush me. The door swung open without a sound, and the torches inside burst into flames, casting shadows that were dancing alongside the flames which brought them to life. I picked up a torch from the wall and watched as the flames slowly moved itself to point in a certain direction, seemingly leading me to something. I heard a click and my head instinctively flicked backwards, the door had been shut and probably locked behind me. I continued on, following the dancing flame as it pointed the tip of its flames towards where I should go. I passed by room after room climbing seemingly endless flights of stairs. Every door I tried to open was locked tight with a protection spell, even the flame I held burned with more vigor, as if threatening to burn me if I tried to open the door again.

The flames finally blew itself out as I reached one of the doors in the maze of doors. As I reached out to push it open, I noticed that this door was built differently. Tiny golden locks lined the door, framing it out from the wall which had the same color. The locks slowly opened, each one playing a note that was part of a short mysterious tune. The door slowly slid open after all the locks had vanished. The hallway slipped from view as the darkness encompassed me again. A soft dull glow indicated where the rune was housed, a wooden box covered in a rough scaly hide that looked like it came from a snake. I picked it up along with the book that lay next to it and thumbed through the pages, nothing much of interest lay within, so I put it aside and looked at what I came here for. The hide fell off the box and landed on the table in a pile, the catch on the lid fell open with a touch and when I peeked inside.


There was a depression in the inner lining which showed the shape of the missing rune. However, the rune was nowhere to be found. The tower suddenly shuddered and the wooden box fell from my hands, I tried to run out but a strong force pushed me back into my place, a protection spell had been cast around the room. The floor surged upwards and brough me along with it, its sharp tiled roof spearing into the cave ceiling and popping out of its protective natural barrier and stopping halfway through. I tried the door again, and this time it opened to my touch, swinging open without a hitch. To my pleasant surprise, the sight that revealed itself to me was not one full of doors and stairways. I looked back into the dark desolate room I came from, which seemed untouched by the event that had just happened, and walked outside.

The door swung close behind me and I started to wonder, the rune was definitely in this tower. Well, until it wasn't. The markings using the ether had pointed me here, but the rune wasn't in its box. I lifted my arms again and called upon the ether. The dry leaves on the ground swirled around in confusing patterns before settling on one, which seemed to point in three directions at once. I picked the most prominent direction that it gave me, and stepped away from the tower.

Looking back, the tower was just a speck in the distance. I called on the ether again, which in turn moved the leaves and twigs near me to face a certain direction. Now it pointed away from where I was facing. Did it move? I pushed that thought out of my head, trudging on through thick and lush plants. The trees hung low over a new thing that I could vaguely see, I checked with the ether and made sure that it was the right location before slowly creeping up towards the shield of trees.

The shadows lengthened and I used them to my advantage, hiding within the darkness as I let the light guide me through the trees. I broke into the clearing and a house stood before me, its form towered over me and reminded me of nothing I've seen before. The tiled roof was a tall majestic masterpiece, curving downwards smoothly. The blunt and rounded corners of the little house further accentuated the details of the finely engraved wooden walls. Polished rocks were piled up against the wall, grinded down to size and packed tightly with sand to form a water-resistant base, which looked extremely rigid and stable. Dark and dreary colored materials were used to build this house, and the crooked chimney that constantly belched black smoke, added more to its already daunting features.

I approached with caution, looking around frantically with every bit of sound I heard. The door creaked slightly and the soft pitter pattering of footsteps could be heard inside. I peered into the windows, and immediately saw the rune, which was laying inert atop a roughly fashioned podium. A figure danced around it, chanting in a language I did not recognise. Suddenly the figure turned and pracned towards the door, I drew my sword noiselessly and prepared to strike.

The door creaked open...

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