Hello, I am JarBro, a student a Object school, I'm new here, with few friends....
English class
I'm sitting by a girl, I think she goes by the name Pallette -
She seems nice, and keeps talking to a Rainbow ice cream....
My friend waves to me from the other side, his/her name is Headphones, a student who is sometimes called 'The music related cherries'.
He says that he likes Pallette, but doesn't wanna ask her out.
I tell him, that it's too early to make impressions about people...And that she is probably one of those girly girls. Headphones doesn't like those girls, he prefers the type like his sister, Nice, calm, adventurous, those girls.The teacher walked in, and said his name was Mr. Heaven, and called role. He said he didn't want any troublemaking in the class, and we will have fun.
Lunch is pretty early, and we have it right after English class. Hmm. I found a new friend, named Baseball Cap (who i would become partial enemies with in the future). He decided to sit with teh new kids, Me, Headphones, Phonester, Gamey, and WiiMote.
For gym, we played baseball, and BC pitched. He was always encouraging us to try our hardest, and throwing easy pitches. It was my turn.... Needless to say, teh ambulance came about 5 minutes later, cuz i gained severe head injuries, because, I hit myself with the bat, trying to lift it, and from the baseball I couldn't hit.... Lets just say, I wasn't good at sports... XP
Free period
Finally! Free period! Almost time to go home! I usually drew in my free time, but today, I chatted with other students, trying to gain friends. I made a few friends including: T-shirt: the Baseball pitcher who injured me (by accident), RainbowIceCream, and Lego.
Yep, today was fun.