Chapter 1

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High in the mountains our hidden valley resides.. Yeah this ain't gonna be no poetic crap. But like seriously we are super high up in the mountains in a pretty cool valley. Giant overhanging rocky cliffs with ivy and niphora( a magical glowing plant ) hanging from their steep cliffs. Our people have lived here for as long as... I actually don't know but a real long time for sure. Now you may be wondering hmmmm you talk of hidden valleys magical plants and your "people," how are you and your people special? Well I'll tell you. My people are divided into two different power sections or divisions. These divisions are mainly the powers you posses such as one division is for emotional powers like telepathy or controlling of feelings while the other division deals with more physical things like growing a plant super fast or natural construction of objects. I know some of these powers sound pretty weird but trust me I don't make them up. Oh yeah speaking of "making up" you might be wondering who makes up these powers. Here comes the real fun part... It's our parents. Of course there's legal issues like if it's okay for these kids to have these powers trust me there have been some pretty hefty lawsuits on it but whatever. Our government is kinda weird actually besides the obvious, the leaders are elected by the people which is pretty normal yet there is no campaigning no nothing. There is a demonstration of power. If the people believe you could use this power for good and you are an okay person and not a physco, well then you have a pretty fair chance. But back to the power thing. There are so many powers many of them are the same but we also have many that are very different. Also the divisions aren't too important it's basically just the city lines I guess. It's also helps with the division of power since the government  needs to have three representatives from each division. Now explaining aside I'll bring you to the beginning of our story. It begins with me, my names Pine. Let's start from when my parents were trying  to decide my power. Okay more explaining I lied. Parents have about a week to decide their child's Power or else they will be given a common power by the governing representatives of their division, which is really their main jobs. Okay back to the story sorry. Since I was born on the more physical division I would get a more physical power or so they thought before I was born. You see parents are issued by law to give a power according to their own division unless ordered differently by a member of the government. Yeah that happened to me. Since the power or gift my parents gave me was kind of controversial, it had to be looked on by a government official. It got pretty violent from what my parents tell me. Well let's find out now that I'll finally let you read the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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