Ch. 11

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"Who?" Seto was shaking with rage, "Who did this to you."

Tia struggled to come up with a believable lie. Her mind drew a blank and Max glanced at Cura's terrified face.

"It was an accident, I swear!" Curaxu yelled, panicking. Tia inwardly cursed and thought, 'Great job Cura. You made this a lot worse for both of us.'

Max let go of Tia and walked away, probably to help Cura. The princess didn't know and was a little ticked off that she had been stranded in a dark abyss without her guide.

Tia sighed and, extending her arms in front of her, feeling for any pesky walls that she might run into. Following the feeling of Seto's rage magicks, she slowly but surely made her way over to him.

Apparently, no one noticed her. Between a large amount of incredibly sharp looking ice shards being created behind Seto and trying to calm down a panicked brunette the ginger didn't even notice the blind girl moving. Neither did Seto, he was so focused on casting spells to spawn in ice shards and watching his target -- who was going into shock -- that he too did not notice the blonde creeping up behind him.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Seto screamed out as he was tackled to the ground from behind.

He hit the ground with a heavy thump that knocked the wind out of him. Tia's head flopped around and caused the bandage over her eyes to fly off. Well, some made it off of her head. Some of the white cloth fell down and hung loosely around her neck.

"What is going on?!" Korra's voice echoed down the hall.

Tia squeezed her eyes shut tighter. First Seto now Korra...

The two most protective people in the world when it came to her safety. I am in for a rough day. She thinks to herself.

"What in the world?" Korra asked incredulously at the scene before her.

Curaxu was in tears, Max was starting to get frustrated at Cura, Tia was covering her eyes hoping that the lack of light would stop the slight pain she felt. Seto was on the floor gasping heavily and was still angry beyond belief.

"OH MY NOTCH, STOP CRYING!" Max screamed at Cura, finally losing his temper.

Korra bent down next to Tia, and gently rubbed her back, "You okay?"

"Noooooooooooooooooooo." Tia whined and Korra just smiled then picked her up.

"Well, at least you can talk. Come on, let's get you back to the hospital. Dr. Mudkipz won't be too happy." She began to walk away with Tia in her arms then paused and looked out a nearby window, "Can you fly?"

Tia was puzzled but answered anyways, "Yeah. I can shift if that's what you're asking... Why?"

Then Korra jumped out the window.


"What do you think, doc?" It was a male voice, she wasn't sure who's.

"Is she alright?" A female voice chimed. This one was just a tad bit familiar.

As if she had heard their voice a long time ago.

She sat up and opened her eyes to be greeted by darkness. She touched the bandage that covered her eyes. Then again she shouldn't have been so surprised. Originally the bandage had fallen off by accident.

"Princess Tia? Are you alright?" The female voice asked. Tia then learned that her cat features were showing after feeling her soft tail brush against her hand.

"Who are you?" She asked softly, yet politely.

"I'm Princess Opal Solace and I'm with my two younger brothers." The female introduced herself.

"Hello. I'm Prince Brice, the oldest son of King Eric." His voice matched the male's that had spoken earlier.

"Prince Taron, the youngest of the Solace family." He paused -- glancing at Princess Opal despite Tia's current condition -- and added, "But not for long."

"What do you mean by that?" Tia asked and sensed a moment of hesitation.

"Well, you see..." Princess Opal started, "I'm engaged..."

Tia smiled softly, "May I ask who the lucky guy will be?"

"His name is King Bade. He's from the Ru'uan region." Princess Opal told her.

Tia smiled a truly genuine smile. Opal smiled back, and even though the guardian couldn't see her fellow princess, she felt Opal's happiness.


*Princess Opal's P.O.V*

I looked up from my book at Brice. He smirked in return, after meeting the princess his mind had seemed to be in overload. Like he was planning something very elaborate.

"What are you thinking about," I questioned hesitantly.

He glared at me, "Why would you care?"

Taron shifted uncomfortably from his perch on the nearby windowsill. He always hates it when we fight. But... He knows not to get in my way.

I'm just a little upset that he's scared of me. I'm perfectly fine with the Solace Kingdom's army fearing me. If that's what it takes to keep Brice from using my soldiers for his own personal issues, then so be it.

"I don't care about you. I care because you look like you're about to hatch a plan to kill someone." I tell him, closing the book I was previously reading.

He slammed his hand down on the table as he stood suddenly. His blue eyes were bright with fury,  "You're going to regret saying that, dragon girl."


*???'s P.O.V.*

I rush down the hall, the hood of my jacket pulled up and obscuring my face. I began to sprint down the hall as I neared the infirmary. All at the same time praying in my head, Please, please don't let me be too late. Please don't be gone already. Please...

Dr. Mudkipz looked up from the clipboard he was scribbling notes on. He opened his mouth to greet me, but I cut him off, "Where is Princess Tia?"

"She just left--"

I was out the door before he could blink then next thing I knew, my vision went entirely black. I never felt it when my unconscious body hit the floor. I probably should have hunted yesterday when Alpha suggested it...

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