Ohhhh today's the day WE ARE GOING TO VEGAS BABY!!! Oh uhhh sorry heh. "JORDAN COME ON" "COMING MOM" I grabbed my suit case and dragged it down the stairs singing "We're going to Vegas" over and over. "Jordan I kindly ask please shut the hell up" "Sure thing Eva" Eva is my sister. She's only one year older than me and she still thinks she's the boss of me. Oh I'm so excited this is my first time to get on a plane!! What if we crash? What if I don't sit by my family? What if- Jordan stop it don't think like that! IT'S TIME TO GOOOOO!!!! YIPPEE! "Jordan please calm down honey" "I can't mom I'm soooo excited" We got in the car and started driving to the airport.
--Time skip to next day--
Ok so we are at are hotel and we all just woke up. We're going to explore yay! I love adventure!! And unicorns! Oh my gawdddd I love unicorns so much!!!!!!! Ok Jordan get back on track stop thinking about unicorns. (Jordan's Mind)
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Heh fat unicorns. Gosh darn it I said stop! Ok we are exploring. Back on track.
--Time skip to night-- We are just walking around. Me and Kameron are in front of everybody else. We continue to walk when I start to talk to Eva. "Eva how are you liking the view?" No reply. "Eva?" What the heck where are they. OH NO THEY AREN'T HERE WE'RE LOST! "Kameron they are gone where did they goooooo!!!!" "Shit" "Um lest sit in the stairs and call mom" "ok J" that's Kameron's nick name for Me. "My phones almost dead so let's make it quick KR" That Kameron's nick name. His middle name is Ryan. -phone convo- J-Jordan M-Mom
J-Mom where are you guys at? M-we are near the Hardrock Cafe "KR they are near the Hardrock Cafe" "Ok" J-ok mom love you bye M-love ya to bye -End- "LETS GO" Strange looks. "WHAT CAN'T A GIRL JUST LET IT ALL OUT?" More weird looks. *sigh* Nobody's normal around here gosh.
We have walked past the Cafe about ten times and I HAVEN'T SEEN THEM ANYWHERE! OH MY GOD WE ARE GONNA BE HOMELESS AHHHHH!!!! "Jordan I see them" Oooooooooo yayayaysyayayayayjsdjsoavsjwoshvdhs "FAMILY!!!"