The Beginning of the End

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"Oh shit,oh shit oh shit my leg, yelled Polly hopping around. Who the hell shot my leg. "

You See, it wasn't Whillona who got shot. Polly was the one who got shot. Well who shot Polly you say, the help that Abraham said waa going to me.His oldeat son Abraham Jr.,his sister Willy and Willies son Issacc.
"I shot ya",said Abraham Jr standing ,next to Willy and Issaacc.
"Ya damn nigger,yelled Polly,now laying on the gouround holding his leg. Once this is all over ya are gonna get hanged.You still are my slave boy, and after this you go get hanged."

"We arent't slaves anymore we free now,slavery is over."Abraham walked over in front of Polly and put the front barrell of his gun on Polly,s forehead.

"You still not free boy,said Polly,I am still your Master, and listen to what I say, and you die when I say die.And you all of you go die now.Get em Paul and Sharp." "Aww no you don't said Whilly."

Bam !Whilly shot Sharp in the head and killed him instantely.

"Oh shit,said Paul, I ain't getting killed by some Nigger," and ran for the back door.But before he could reach the door Issaac shot Paul's leg and in pain Paul tripped on a rock and fell to the ground. Issaac walked over and pointed his gun down at Pauls head. "He he he, laughed Paul, I can't beleive I'm go get killed by a nigger. And then Issaac shot Paul.

"Yall go pay,said Polly.Yall go go straight to hell."
"Then i'm go see you in hell then,"said Abraham."
"Just kill me already,like ya'll killed Paul and Sharp."

"We not go kill you yet,first we are going to make you suffer,like you did us, then we are going to kill you. But for now I am going to unchain Whillona and  knock ya out."
After umchaining Whillona Abraham smashed the back of his gun against Polly's head and Polly collasped.

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