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Werewolf's are naturally stronger than humans. All werewolf's have always known that. But there are things that can hurt us.

The two main things that hurt us? Wolf's Bane and Silver. Wolf's Bane will weaken us. It'll cut off our connection to our wolf and cause us to be unable to shift. If too much Wolf's Bane is injected or consumed, it'll eventually kill us.

As for silver, well it's not good. Silver touching our skin will burn us. If it's injected, it'll lead to silver poisoning. Silver poisoning is a very deadly, and very painful thing for werewolf's. Most who get silver poisoning die from it, but some survive. Those who survive are never the same though. They're affected by the side effects of silver poisoning.

The list of side-effects is practically endless. Anything from a strange allergy to well... There are two, famous, side effects of silver poisoning. They are called heightened emotions, and lost emotions. Heightened emotions will strengthen one or two of the wolf's emotions. It's not that bad really, unless an emotion like sadness or anger gets heightened. As for lost emotions, well, your emotions are just gone. You feel nothing. You feel empty. No happiness. No sadness. No pain. Just emptiness. No regrets. No worries. No fears. Just emptiness.

These side effects are the most famous side effects of silver poisoning, and luckily the rarest. But, there are wolf's out there who have to deal with them. I just happen to be one of them. And unfortunately I happened to get the side effect known as lost emotions.

I was eight when it happened. Our pack, the Black Talon pack, was attacked. I ended up getting captured and injected with silver. My capturer was killed not long after injecting me though, turns out we had won the battle. I was rushed to the healer and some how, they managed to save me. But I was declared to have lost emotions not long after. Only a few days after my side effect having been declared, my father committed suicide. I don't blame him, I probably would of too if I had to hear that my only child was declared to have lost emotions. My mother died at child birth so my father loved me very much since I was all he had left. To learn that I could no longer love him back killed him mentally, and soon physically as well. I'm not angry at him though. I can't be really.

Unlike most wolf's with lost emotions, I didn't commit suicide. I was saved I guess. My Alpha found use out of me. I'm the assassin and executer of the pack. I kill because I feel no regret. So much blood stains my hands, but I don't give a single shit. I am what had made our pack feared. Other packs know not to mess with us, as we have a deadly assassin. One who feels no regret nor compassion to those she kills. My life so far has been a bloody tale, and it's not finished yet. This is only the beginning.

520 words

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