Sid And Arthur's Steampunk Adventure 2

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Back in the white room, shivering and drinking hot microwaved tea, were Sid and Arthur, clothes off and wrapped in blankets.

“Aam sick o this,” moaned Sid, “I only just bought these steam goggles a couple of paragraphs back and now the leather’s wet, it might shrink. If it does they won’t be airtight.” He laughed a little, “airtight sounds a bit like you trying to fit your wig back on when it’s shrunk.”

“I only wore a wig for The Sitting Duck, the Valusians prized my blonde locks.”

“They’re about the only people who would.”

“And Arianne.”

Sid didn’t comment but looked around, “There must be something in our Funny Character Union rules that say we don’t have to stay wet, and if we do then we need to be in warm damp clothes with hot water bottles.”

Sid was reflecting on their last mission, “Well that event was exciting, not. All we did was switch their engine off.” Sid looked around the ‘slightly smelling of damp’ white room his face looked a little grumpy, a bit like himself. Then he blurted, “Pun battle!”

“You cannot call a pun battle now!”

“Why not?”

“We have nothing to pun about, we are still very wet and in a white room inside the IWT.”

“Choose something.”

“It is funnier if puns come naturally.”

“Hah, they never come naturally for you!”


“Bare faced I bet. That sounds a little like… Somebody having their full head shaved?” Sid stopped trying to think of a witticism.

“That’s not funny Sid, it sounded like it might be, but it wasn’t.”

“Bee, buzzy. ‘I’ll bee seeing you,’ said the wob to his wife.”

“A wob is the slang term for a wasp, that’s not a bee.”

“Wasposed to bee.”

“Was supposed to be? I get the bee bit there, but what a push, you’re usually funnier Sid.”

“I think it’s because I’m still wet.”

“Has the water made your brain seize up,” smiled Arthur.

Sid And Arthur's Steampunk Adventure 2Where stories live. Discover now