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Four Weeks Later, Deanna

I've been home and I've officially healed from all of the things that occurred a few weeks ago. Demario hasn't been home, which I really wasn't suspecting; then again I didn't care. I knew Shia's words would possibly come true, but I didn't think they would come to life so quickly.

Hearing the door unlock, I knew it had to be one of the girls or Demario considering they were the only ones who had keys to my apartment. I didn't move not one muscle and kept my attention focused on the tv.

"Oh good, you're back. I'm hungry, go make me something to eat. I'm gon take a shower and it better be done by then"

Once I heard one of the doors close upstairs, I went into the kitchen and started a pot of water. I sat down in one of the closest chairs and waited until he came downstairs. The water had began boiling and on cue, he came downstairs.

"Deanna, Deanna, Deanna. Now why don't i smell anything cooking? When will you ever learn?" I stayed silent "Oh you're deaf? Too many stopped your hearing?" He chuckled "Bitch i know you hear me talking to you" I rolled my eyes "Roll em again so I can pull them out"

I rolled my eyes again and noticed he lifted his hand. I immediately grabbed his hand and stopped it from connecting to myself. He looked at me as if i were crazy, but he didn't know how crazy i was about to become.

"Oh what, you wanna be bold now?" His other hand almost came in contact with my face but i ducked and flung the pot of hot boiling water on him. "Ahhhhh!" he screamed

"I'm sick of your shit!" I yelled continuously banging the pot against every part of his body I had access to. Standing over him, watching him groan in pain was like music to my ears. "You've been treating me like shit for way too long, and I'm sick of it. I have been nothing but loving and faithful to you and you go and put me in a hospital? No. Your days of treating me this way are over" My voice was shaking, but I refused to shed anymore tears over him. "Now you go get your shit and get the hell out of my house!"


Walking into the grocery store, I grabbed a small cart considering I wasn't getting a lot. I went into the first aisle and found exactly what I needed. As I was leaving the aisle, I felt a weird presence but didn't know what it was or could possibly be. It was almost as if someone was watching me, but if I knew someone in here, they would've spoken to me already as they always do.

As I went to the next few aisle, the same feeling was still over me. Turning around, I noticed a man behind me. From what I could see; he was about 6'3, dark-skinned, with waves in his hair. He was dressed nicely, which said a lot about him.

Making my way out of the aisle, I went into the next one getting the last few items I needed. As I was paying for my things, I noticed the guy from the aisle at the register beside the one I was at. Once I looked up at him, he looked away.

I grabbed my bags and turned around one more time to see him leaving as well, but when our eyes met this time he didn't look away. He just smiled and kept going on his merry way and I did the same.


"So you and the man just looked at each other? Didn't say a word?" Tiffany asked. I was explaining to the girls the events of today

"Yeah, I mean it was weird but I didn't get a weird feeling from him"

"Not once?"


"Maybe it's meant to be. Maybe he could be a new hubby"

"Come on now, Tiff. I don't even know the man. We just looked at each other in the store, no big deal. Besides, I may not ever even see the man again"

"Girl, this is Atlanta. You see everybody more than once"


"So anyway, graduation is only two months away. I'm hype as hell"

"Right. Girl I love Spelman, but I'm so ready to get out of that place" Shia confessed

"I feel you on that, it feels like the days are just dragging"

"Tell me about it. I'm ready to get my rounds too" Tiffany said

"I know you are not trying to fight at graduation"

"Well not at graduation, but I mean maybe later"

"Who are you trying to fight anyway?"

"Ms. Blackman and that girl Anastasia"

"What did Ms. Blackman do?"

"She keep messing with my grade. Every time I go to check my grades, she's always changing something. I have all A's and she gon give me a D on one of my finals. I had to read that lady so bad"

"Damn. I feel you though, Mr. Carmichael does that too. Talking about "I don't fail you, you fail yourself" like give me a break already"

"Can we go out again, I'm hungry as hell. I took not one break today"

"No because if Shia goes out and starts asking the waiter for extra blue cheese I'm gon get her"

"What's wrong with blue cheese?"

"On pizza?"

"Girl you don't know what you missing"

"Well whatever I'm missing, I'm happy I am"

"Come on, hoes. I'll be in the car" Tiffany walked out leaving myself and Shia to look at each other

"Did this hoe just demand us"

"I think she did. That's why her ass getting the cheapest thing on the menu"

"Water" we both said in unison laughing and grabbing our bags.

There's chapter 5 you guys.

Deanna whooped Demario's ass?

Boiling water tho?


What about the guy in the grocery store? 👀👀👀 Creepy or nah?

Serious question, people really put blue cheese on pizza?

Idk what else to say lol.

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