Introduction & Disclaimer

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Hey, everyone.

It's been a while, hasn't it?

And in that while, I've been suffering from horrid writer's block. I'd starting writing two multi-chapter stories, but ultimately gave up on both of them because the plots I had made up for them were really just leading towards a dead end. And I hate the fact that my account's just been here most of the time, not really being used other than the sole purpose of reading others' works. So until I can actually be satisfied with a full-length novel idea, I figured whenever I write anything short, I'll just throw it into this one book.

Of course, I have to throw in the classic disclaimer before I begin posting anything in here.

I intend to fill this book with original pieces. All words, ideas, and characters if be any are all my creations. If it just so happens that one day, maybe someone else will want to quote something from a piece I add to this book, I would really appreciate if I were asked for permission first and if I were given the proper credit wherever used if I grant permission.

So with that being said, please enjoy all the hoopla to come in later updates. xxx

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