Happy Birthday, [ ]

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This is my Happy Birthday series, where I say Happy Birthday to the Birthday people. (So if you like, you can put your birthday here. Just the month and day. Not year)

Anyway, today's birthday is.....

He's very special to me (yes my dad is special but it's not my brother.

He will NEVER be special to me)

And he is.....

*drum roll*

My little doggie!

🎈🎉Happy Birthday, doggie!🎈🎉 :D

Already two years old! :D

(I don't know how much that is in dog years)

You celebrated your Birthday the way a king should!



What shall I call my doggie on here?


I know!

White Sausage! :D

Yeah I feel absolutely horrible today.

I'm just gonna call you Doggie.

Anyway, if you guys really want to know...

I planned all of this and the shout outs I did today while I was taking a shower and I speed texted this.


Anyway, hope you guys have a great day/night, and once again, Happy Birthday Doggie, and BYE!


My dog is secretly a cat.

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