Hey my loves! I'm back!! So yay for a new chapter! Ok bye!😂

Niall's POV:
Tonight Audrey's friends were coming over for the weekend. I was probably just gonna go to Harry's or something. Louis was coming over and we were going to finally call Zayn and Liam.
It was 10 and Elle was still sleeping. I didn't want to wake her , so I grabbed my phone and started to check all my social media. After all that , Elle was still asleep. So I decided to steel her phone and take a bunch of pictures. While I was on her phone I saw an app called 'wattpad' I'd never heard of it, so I decided to check it out. When I opened it I saw a bunch of stories about 5sos. I saw one that she had written. I downloaded the app on my phone , just to read her story. Once The app downloaded I entered her account name. I found her fanfic , which was called 'Dark Calum Hood'. I started reading it and I actually liked it. I definitely couldn't let elle now. It only had 5 chapters.
About 20 minutes had passed and I was finished. I was always a fast reader. While I was on her page I saw a book she has read called "pieces of me. Luke Hemmings." I decided to start reading that one. I was on chapter 4 and I felt elle move slightly. I said ," are you up babe?" "No" she grunted. I chuckled and said," well I'm hungry. I'm making food." She sighed and said," make me some too." " huh someone's in a mood." I said while pulling the blankets off her. Elle grabbed the covers back over her head and said ," am not." I laughed and said realizing," awe babe are you on your Period?" She sighed and said ," has it come to this?" I sat back down and said ," what do ya mean?" She laid her head on me and said ," we're dating, living together , and we're talking about my monthly cycle." I chuckled and said ," you don't like it?" She sat up and said ," of course I love it babe. It's the best thing ever." I sat up and said," let's go get some food Douglas." "K Horan." She said smirking. After lunch we were going to her old flat to pack all her stuff. We had finished breakfast by about 11. Elle went up stairs and grabbed her phone and keys. She just kept my clothes on , and said ," alright. Let's go." We jumped in the car and the radio was playing some song that Elle apparently knew. She squealed and said ," I LOVE THIS SONG!" She startled me and I just looked and her and she said ," what? It's a 5sos song." I couldn't help but laugh at her little obsession. When we got to her flat she went to her room and bathroom to pack, and I went into the living room and kitchen.
About 2 hours later she came out of her room and said ,"done!" I was done with the kitchen and had just started with the living room. After this we had One More bathroom , and bedroom. Elle decided to put on some music, if course it was 5 Seconds of Summer. She was dancing in the middle of the living room using a broom as a microphone. I laughed and joined in. "Tell me where you're hiding you're a voodoo doll!" 

2 hours later.
We were finally finished packing her house up. We loaded the first load into my friends truck and I drove it to our flat. Elle put some boxes into her car and followed behind me.
After 1 hour of back and forth we were finally done. We decided to go grab some lunch since we were pretty hungry. We went to Nando's. That was our favorite place ever. It was now 2:30. Elle's friends were coming over at 6. Duke was at Harrys today. He was gonna stay with the boys this weekend.
Elle's POV:
When we got done with lunch we went back home. Niall helped me unpack the necessities: clothes, shoes, and make up , duh. After that I went in the shower. I decided to shave, but not as fast as last time. I mean I kinda felt bad about Niall leaving his own house this weekend. But I guess he needed to spend time with Harry and Louis, too. When I got out of the shower it was 5. Niall came into the room while I was getting dressed and said ," I would like to take you out on a date this Monday night Ellie." I still blush wen he asks me out. I said ," course babe. I'd love to." He came over and kissed me saying," alright. I'm gonna go to Harrys now babe. I'll miss you." I smiled and said ," ok ni. I'll miss you more. I love you." "love you too Ellie." He said walking out the door. The front door shut , and my phone buzzed at the same time. It was Audrey calling. She said," hey Elle. Can I come over early?" I said ," yeah. How early?" "Well I'm At our  coffee shop. Want your normal?" She Asked. I smiled and said ," you know me so well. See you soon Audgie." I had about 20 minutes until Audrey got here. I put on some shorts and a tank top. I sat down at Niall's desk. I will be getting ready here, until I unload my furniture.  I just put on some foundation, and mascara. I decided to just straighten my hair. Just as I started to do my hair the doorbell rang , and scared me. I burned my ear, and my hand. I walked to the door and of course it was Audrey. We went into Niall and i's room and she sat down on the bed. I showed her my burns and she said ," lemme kiss it sissy." I giggled and let her. I finished my hair at about 5:45. Audrey and I decided to just wait downstairs for the girls to get here.

Hey guys. So I just randomly picked a name for the fanfic Elle wrote. So if there is a Dark Calum fanfic , sorry. So thanks! And I know there is a book called "pieces of me" so I'm tagging the writer here lol: CakeMashtonLover

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