First times

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It was a cold autumn night as Piper Chapman entered the bar to ask for a place to work at. She really needed money since she was not getting as much financial support from her parents as she used to when she started college. In her hand Piper held a few papers, her and her best friend Polly have had much fun with, while coming up with experiences and qualities Piper would have to help her getting the job. Manager: Polly Harper, said the paper and that was just ridiculous, Polly would never be a manager. Piper's long wavy hair fell over her breasts which covered a warm but chic cardigan in patchwork style Piper chose for this occasion. She had two strands of hair pinned back to keep them out of her face. She walked up to the barkeeper and nervously bit her lower lip. To her right a group of pretty drunk people sat and talked about some stupid shit. Suddenly one of them, a tall brunette, dangerous but pretty looking with a few tattoos and black glasses spoke up. 'Hey you', she yelled with raising her thin plucked eyebrows, clearly meaning Piper. Piper acted like she haven't heard a thing. The women spoke up again and called Piper something and then asked Piper if she wanted to leave with the group before the apocalypse. Piper didn't really know what was going on so she shot the group a confused look and said 'Sorry?' But in that moment the barkeeper reached her and asked what he could get for Piper. 'Oh hi. I was wondering if you are hiring?', she answered, secretly crossing her fingers and hoping for the best. It was a nice bar. The lights were dim but it was not too dark, just enough for the right comfy feeling you should have. There were tables all over the place, Piper had read that the bar was used as a restaurant daytimes. There was music playing, nothing crazy, just some of the newest tunes. It was turned up but it was quiet enough that you could talk to one another in normal volume. 'Um.. No, sorry.' The barkeeper said with sorrow. Piper sighted. Well that would have been way too easy. Piper felt like she needed a drink but then she thought of something. 'Can I leave this with you?', she asked, making moves to hand the barkeeper her papers. He refused to take them and said 'Honestly, I think it would end up in the bin, sooo...' Piper sighted again and now she really wanted a drink. 'Can I have a margarita then?', she asked and he immediately responded with 'That I can do for you!' He winked at her while turning to the beverages, flirting all over the place. He was actually quite nice looking, short brown curly hair, a shadow of a beard, bushy eyebrows, warm chocolate puppy eyes looking through some black framed glasses and a genuine smile. You could tell he had some nice defined abs from his tight shirt with the name of the bar written on the right side of the chest. He was what you would consider a nice guy and honestly exactly Pipers type but something else caught her attention. It was the black haired women who spoke to Piper earlier. She swung her hips while walking towards Piper like she got paid for it and swung her arms back and forth, like a child that had nothing to worry about. But nothing about her looked childish at all. She looked dark and sexy. Sexy? Piper wondered about her own thoughts. But this women really was sexy. Piper got some unpredictable vibes from her, she looked like someone, who knew what she wanted and never failed to get it. Excitement filled the air and Piper could feel the women's presence like she never felt a human being before. There was some kind of energy coming from this black haired piece of hell, that really attracted Piper. 'It is a little cold out for margarita, don't you think?', the stranger said with her deep and smoky voice. Pipers body prickled and a shiver runs over her back, even though it was pretty warm in here. The women grips the papers which Piper had put on the bar. She read out loud the work experiences with amusement and laughed. 'Bullshit, bullshit', she detected and gave Piper one of her intense stares. 'You really need a lesson in fudging a resumee!' 'Do you work here?', Piper asked, wondering who that women was. 'Are you fucking kidding me?' her interlocutor laughed. Piper started to feel uncomfortable because she knew nothing about the women and the women seemed to look right through her and she was right, the experiences really were bullshit, just like Polly as her manager which the stranger had come to now. 'No one named Polly Harper gets put in charge, who is that really?', she asked and her intense stare gave Piper the feeling that she wanted to hear the answer more than anything else right now. It was like she was so interested in her, that she really cared what Piper had to say. On the other hand it made Piper want to answer the question really bad so she did 'My friend', she kind of giggled. The stranger laughed and it was the sexiest sound. 'You've never waited a fucking table in your life, have you?' And again she seems to know everything just with looking deep into Pipers eyes. 'No', Piper admitted, looking up to a confident grin. Then the red lips parted to speak her name. 'So, Piper Chapman' Piper did not know that names could have such big power over humans. She felt like her whole life laid in these two spoken words. She watched the dark red lips while they were reading her skills and qualities. 'Passionate about making diners feel good. Mmhh, that sounds kinda dirty', they said with forming themselves to a smirk. After reading 'safe, clean and careful when handling food and dishes' the women laughed again and Piper had enough. She grabbed the papers from the women's hands, not willing to take another joke. 'I like that in a women', her interlocutor said surprisingly and gave Piper another one of her intense stares. So she is gay! Of course she is, why would she come up to me if she wasn't? Why did Piper feel so happy about the fact that this women was gay? Piper wasn't gay, she have had multiple boyfriends before and not a single girlfriend. But why did it feel like an achievement? The women broke her thought with asking: 'What else do I need to know about you?' 'Who are you?', Piper asked, really wanting to know but without answering the question, For the first time in this talk the dark eyes widened and the eyebrows came down. For the first time her mouth stopped to grin and she was serious. For the first time Piper could see the dark honesty this full packed package of fun, excitement and danger came with. 'My name's Alex' Piper felt euphoria, like she had won some kind of contest. It really felt like a win to know something about her, since this Alex seemed to know so much about Piper just with looking in her eyes. Piper felt confident enough to ask another question: 'What do you do, Alex? Besides make fun of strangers in bars?' 'I work for an international drug cartel', Alex shot right back, her eyes hung on Pipers facial expressions to see her reaction to that. Piper felt shock. Of course this was plausible. It suited the women in front of her. But Piper had the feeling that there was something more about Alex than this dangerous and carefree side she shows. Suddenly Alex began to laugh and Piper realized that Alex had made a joke. Relieved she joined Alex in her laughter. She really doesn't like to tell things about herself, Piper thought to herself. 'Okay, Piper Chapman, I need to get back to my friends. I'll see you around?', Alex finished this really weird but intense talk. Piper could just nod and Alex walked back like she came. Swinging hips and arms, hopping blue tips of hair and confident and determined like a mafia boss. She left a confused Piper who couldn't help but look back, noticing the dress that didn't really seem to fit Alex personality but somehow suited her perfectly. Piper felt kind of left behind and she hurried to drink her drink, which she hadn't notice to come, and rushed out of the bar. There were a lot of things for her to figure out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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