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"Where's Sammy?" Harry asked after seeing two of three boys come downstairs, ready to go see his mother for Sunday dinner.

Yesterday, telling the boys about the baby went surprisingly well.

That was, until Dylan and Sam learned that they'd be sharing a room after the baby came.

They certainly weren't happy about it, but quickly forgot after Harry served the cookies.

"Are we ready?" Zayn smiled, coming into the kitchen.

"I've got to go find Sam." Harry said, heading for the stairs.

"Sam?" He called as he reached the top, and turned into the hall.

He heard the toilet flush, and he smiled, walking to the bathroom.

"You ready?" Harry asked as he stopped in the doorway, looking at Sam, who stood in front of the toilet smiling.

"Almost done." He said.

"What d'you mean?" Harry asked, seeing that he had his pants pulled up.

"I'm feeding the potty." He smiled up at Harry.

Harry glanced at the toilet, getting a bad feeling.

"Feeding it?" Harry echoed.

Sam nodded. "He got tired of toilet paper so I gave him food."

Harry rushed over and opened the lid, seeing several plastic toys in the shape of various foods in the water.

"See?" Sam grinned, dropping a plastic hotdog in.

"Hey! No more!" Harry snapped, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the toilet.

"Sammy you can't do this it messes up the....everything." Harry sighed.

"No daddy, look." Sam said, bouncing over and flushing.

"Sam no-" Harry began, watching the water rise just inches from the edge of the bowl, plastic toys floating around in it.

"Uh oh." Sam said quietly, taking a step back.

Harry glared at him. "Samuel Benjamin Styles you know better than this."

"But he swallowed the first few foods." Sam protested.

"You don't put toys in the toilet, Sam. Now it's broken." Harry said.

"I'm sorry." Sam said quietly, pushing his hands into his pockets.

"C'mon, we're going to be late." Harry sighed, turning and leaving the bathroom.

"Am I in trouble daddy?" Sam asked, following slowly.

"You are." Harry said.

Sam stopped, biting his lower lip.

"A-Am I going to get a spanking?" He asked, his voice beginning to shake.

"I don't know yet, now come on." Harry said sharply.

"I'm sorry daddy." Sam said, crying now.

Harry sighed angrily, picking him up and going back downstairs.

"Is everything alright?" Zayn asked, noticing that Sam was crying.

"Yeah, let's just go." Harry said.

They loaded the boys into the car, and Zayn was tempted to ask why Harry had a white knuckled grip on the steering wheel, but he didn't.

"Can we stop for ice cream?" Dylan asked as they drove by an ice cream shop.

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