~Chapter One~

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"Gosh dangit" Avril's mom screamed from the other room. She rushed into the room where the two small toddlers were sitting on the floor laughing, picking pieces of glass and chucking it at the ground. This was just an average day for the little ones. The last picture perfect moment that Roman could remember

He was sitting on his chair, doing his usual thing, broadcasting and doing drugs. Every once in awhile he would glance to the corner of his desk to look at the dirty,but filled glass. Flashbacks came back to him of when things were normal. Now, his girlfriend was a piece of glass that held contents. He would glance back and reread comments. His mind was bottled with memories and he couldn't focus anymore on what he was doing and he decided it was time to leave and take a break for a while.
"Okay, guys so like i think i'm going to go now." he spoke to webcam. He laughed as he read some of the comments in his head. " Shut up bec-mykella" After a few minutes of repeatedly saying goodbye and getting distracted by comments, he chose that he really should go before he accidentally blurted something out that they shouldn't know.
Once the broadcast ended and his webcam indicated that it was turned off, he shut his computer off and carried the glass to his messily made bed. The glass was covered in fingerprints because he refused to clean it. He laid down and started talking to it. Talking to it as if it were still a human being. The flashbacks kept coming around and around like a playground merry-go round. It was a never-ending cycle of constant reminders that he would never get his girlfriend back into a normal human figure and would stay forever a drinking tool. She was just an average cup to anyone else but to him, Roman, she was everything.

Hours passed and he realized that himself was still in the same position as he was a few hours ago, so he got himself off the bed and travelled through his house to his front door. When the door whizzed open, all the cold- or relatively cold for where he was currently placed in, flashed into his face. It was a nice night out, so he settled on going for a drive to nowhere. Honestly, he would go wherever he ended up. So, he found a car and departed from his house into the wilderness. Time seemed to fly by and soonly it was almost 2AM. The drive back seemed to drag on forever.


Pushing on the brakes, the car was put into an immediate stop and a deer was sitting at the tip of the front of the car, standing there in complete utter shock. Cursing to himself, he got out of the car and tended to the slightly injured deer. It tried to run away but its leg was bleeding. Roman went back to the back of his car and grabbed a bandage that he didn't mind giving to the deer. He tried to calm down the deer. Panic filled the deer's eyes but calmed down when it was certain that the unfamiliar human was safe. Once it was bandaged up, it nudged its head against Roman's tan arm, thanking him for not hurting it anymore that it already was. As Roman stood to his feet, the deer ran off into the dark night, leaving him standing out there alone listening to the pitter patter of the hooves of the animal hit the gray, gravel ground fading.

As the darkness became lighter, his figure carried itself back into the car and he carried back on home, or his temporary home.
When he reached the front door, all he could hear was the small whisper of his cats meowing around, in which, he gave those cats their wish and then carried himself into his bed. His focus was gone and he got up to his desk and sat there, looking into 'Avril'. That's what he had called the cup, even though it was like every other cup. He licked the cup, just the edge of the cup. "You're so weird" he thought to only himself. There was nobody else around or awake so he took his phone and the glass to his bed, placing the cup next to his bed, and checking his phone, constantly.

He still wasn't tired. So he decided to tweet.
'@RomanRomizzy: Good morning papas'

A wave of exhaustion fell over and flooped on his bed, his pants falling down a bit. Pulling them up, a sudden emotion of not sleeping seemed like a good idea, so otherwise, he grabbed his laptop off of his desk and decided to call one of his friends on skype. Opening the skype app on his computer, glancing over at the cup at the side table, he grabbed it again. It was like something was urging him to keep the cup in his hand. Or at least in his line of sight.

Once again, another flashback came, making him space out and focus intensely on the memory.

~~ Roman's vision~~~
We were sitting on the edge of the road, it was empty with the occasional car zooming by.
The both of us were taking in the sight of the sun setting and just taking in the presence of each other.

"When are you going back?" I croaked, breaking the silence. Avril was now looking at me, seriously. " I'm not going back there, I'm going to stay here." she spoke quietly.

The both of us just sat there in silence for just a split second before she broke the silence again. " I decided to leave, I don't like it there so i told them i quit."

We just stared at each other for a few minutes, awkwardly.
The memory abruptly ended halfway through and another started.
We were sitting on my bed, Avril was playing me a song on her guitar. She called this song 'I'm With you'. I studied her face as she sang every note. I took a second to look away outside.
It was the middle of November and snow was starting to slowly fall from the dark sky. As she was finishing the song, my body floated over to the window, we named him Fred.

"Do you want me to keep playing?" She said in sort of a motherly voice, " Is everything alright?" She strummed on her guitar a few more times before playing another song after I didn't respond to her question.
'This moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now' I heard her sing, but more quietly than before. This time, my body twisted to look at her, I gave her the most reassuring look.
Sitting next to her, we continued to sing songs, not necessarily her songs but whatever songs that came to our mind. We spent the rest of that night, laughing and singing horribly to pass that crisp winter night.

"ROMAN!!! ROMAN HEY!!!" ROman snapped out of his daydream and looked at his computer to see his friend, Chrissy. "Oh uh yeah ummmm sorry about that" Roman tried to play it off as if he was sorta paying attention to her.
Their conversation carried on for a little while longer and then it fell silent again. "Wait, I'll be back" He spoke to her and then ended the call. A few minutes later, they were talking again. Not even two (2) minutes later, Roman was setting up another broadcast, under #Dance on younow. "What are you even doing?" Chrissy questioned as he was swinging his phone back and forth, making the vision very blurry for her.
People started arriving to the broadcast even though it was still quite late in the day. Roman kept dancing to the music that was lightly playing in the background. "Are you seriously broadcasting right now???" She said in sort of a question. Roman couldn't contain his laughter anymore. Laughter kept coming out but he wasn't missing a beat of the song. He was determined to keep dancing no matter how completely ridiculous it was. In between dance moves, he read the comments, still laughing at himself. " Chrissy made me do it!!!" he sort of yelled, blaming Chrissy for doing nothing. After about 2 minutes, he grabbed the cup and his phone was in the other hand. He swayed back and forth, in a tired motion.
"I never did anything!!" Chrissy protested trying to defend herself. The argument lasted for the entire broadcast, but mostly it was them laughing at how ridiculous Roman looked. His sweater was falling off his shoulder, exposing his bare, broad, tan shoulder and part of his arm.
This lasted about 6 and a half minutes before it was time to call quits.

He clicked the end button before breaking down in laughs, falling off his chair. "Oh gosh. I fell" Roman said in between laughs. They spoke for another few minutes before he thought it would be best to go to bed now that it was almost 6:30AM
The call ended and then he lovingly looked at that one glass cup and kissed it goodnight "Goodnight Avril. I'll see you tomorrow."
He carried the cup to the bed because he couldn't bare being another second away from Avril. He hugged the cup as he fell asleep into a deep slumber.
It was just another day of loving a cup.

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