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They were in their meeting.Yes both of the success company in Seoul.They would have their collaboration song entitled 'Enemies In Love'.They would sing it on MCountdown stage later.Just wait for it!

A/N:So yeah...I made the lyrics down there..and I kinda use 'Some' instrumental while writing it...But..You know right?Some by Soyou and JungGiGo..Just imagine that this song was sang by Exopink ^_^ don't forget to turn on the music that I've prepared yeah ^^




We will fight everday
Almost every seconds,
But I don't know
Sometimes weirds
feelings come to me.

Don't know,I really
don't know bout it,
Maybe it's a normal
Feeling that we have.

Look at you,I don't know
But the feelings come too.
The feelings when you
Look at him and smile to

Tell me.What's this
Feeling meant to be?
Is it a feeling that
lovers used to has?


Sometimes I thought -(Chanyeol)

You are mine once
You are mine now
But you hate me now

I am yours once
I am yours now
But I think we can't

Can't we continue act as a lovers?-(Kai)
(O ohh)
Maybe it's love -(Baekhyun)
I don't want to lose you again-(Naeun)

It seems like now
We have hard time
We can't meet again

You had hurt me
With that fake news
But I endure it

Please let me be in your heart again-(Sehun)
(O ohhh)-Girls
Because it's love-(Chanyeol)
I don't want to lose you-(Suho)

Now we start our days without a sweet greetings-(Eunji)
Because I think you will mad at me if I greet you-(Chanyeol)

Oh no,because I still love you now.-(Eunji)
I will never break your trust and break your heart.-(Chanyeol)

Now it seems like-(Kai)

You are mine once
You are mine now
I know that you're mine

I am yours once
I am yours now
I know that I'm yours

Will our love last forever from now?-(Sehun)
(O ohhh)
I hope it is-(Baekhyun)
I love you more and more.-(Chanyeol)

Is this really true?Really true?-(Sehun)
This is not a dream.Not a dream.-(Hayoung)

You just have to trust me that I am yours (I'm yours)-Kai
Just prove it to me and then I'll trust you right way like that.-Naeun


Start from the school,
Fight everyday,
I thought we would never make it stop that before,
Since you always make your annoying face,
And the thing you're girl,girl.

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