vol. 12

130 9 1

Cara sprinted down the hall and turned into the stairway. Marilyn and Missy were still sucking face.

"Marilyn!" Cara screamed as her voice broke. He looked down the stairs at her and saw the fright in her face. He ran down to her.

"what's wrong?" he aasked .so innocently.

"Your son..." she cried " he's lying on the floor.  Reney...he's bleeding...dying.." she fell on the floor helplessly.

Missy ran down the stairs and glided down the hallway to the aid of her son. Marilyn dialed 911....

Cara still lay helplessly on the floor as the emergency response carried Jayden away on a stretcher. Marilyn and Missy were waiting for him in the back of the ambulance.

"We must hurry!" the man in the red uniform had said "he's lost a lot of blood"

Reney sat, paralyzed in a pool of his blood, her hands and face stained red. her eyes were wide with no real expression.

Pogo was now dressed and had his arms around Cara. he held her close as she cried deeply into his chest.

"he'll be okay" Pogo assured her, kissing her hair gently.

Twiggy turned around the corner with the same expressionless face as Reney s. He stepped over the pool of blood and ran his fingers through Reney's hair and began to sing to her. she looked up at him with an expression now creeping on to her face. She stood up and hooked her arms around his neck and cried and he kissed her lovingly onher cheeks even though she was covered in blood

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