3. Special company

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I slipped on the heals and went to the bathroom to fix my hair and makeup. Not long after there was a knock on the door. I took a deep breath in and waited just inside the door to be called into Sir's office. "Baby girl?" I heard sternly come from the office. I walked in with my hands behind my back with my chin up. "Kneel on the desk." I looked at him questionably and he let a little snack across my butt so I quickly got up on the desk and got into his desired kneel position facing my master. "This is John. He is new to this lifestyle so I'm going to train him on you." I nodded slowly.

"To pick someone who is going to fit what you want them to do you have to talk them through anything before you get them to do anything. She is probably the best new submissive I have ever trained. You have to remember they have to trust you and not be scared. They're basically putting their life in your hands." He came to stand beside the other master. He softly traced up my clit and through my lips . "See how she doesn't flinch. You need someone with this kind of self control. I know how sensitive she is so I know this can't be easy but she's not letting herself over power her willpower."

"Come back in a week with who you have chosen and we will continue the training. Remember set up the rules right away and act stern. Call me if you need any advice."

When the door shut Sir helped me off the table. "Good girl! We have one more appointment for the day. This master is stricter than me so don't forget anything I told you. He will probably touch you where only I touch you. Just stare straight and ignore it. I will stop him if he over steps his boundaries."

I stood by Sir as another man walked into the room. Sir told me to sit in his lap. As I did he slid his hand up my thigh. "This is Rodger. He is my older brother." Rodger nodded and tapped the desk. I looked back at Sir and he nodded. I got up into the kneel position facing Sir and I tried so hard not to flinch when I felt a hand run down my spine pushing my back down until my chest was touching the desk. 

He spread my pussy lips with his cold hands and rubbed my clit and then flicked it. I staid as still as I could and he chuckled. "You've got a good one brother. She knows when not to make any movements. I like them with a little more hair down there but hey her body's still hot." He said reaching between my legs and slapping on of my breast. "Does she like to be tied up?" He said spreading my legs further tracing the inside of my thigh

"We haven't gotten that far yet. We just started training today. That is probably what we'll work on later today." He ran his finger over my lip. I hadn't noticed I had been lightly biting it.

"Okay well Ms. If my brother doesn't treat you right come to me because I'm sure I could treat you a thousand times better!" He said as he stood. Sir stood with him and walked him to the door.

I staid in my position until he came back. "You can sit up now." He said under his breath. I quickly sat up on the edge of the desk. He leaned over and kissed me. Not like a peck but an actual kiss. I felt it deep in my soul. I was really getting into the kiss when he pulled away. "Go upstairs and get dressed. We are going out for lunch." I nodded and quickly went back to my room. "Forget the underwear today."

This is short but hey. Oh well found a good place to stop and the ones before this were long soooo.

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