Parties May Not Be The Best Place For A New Couple (Blame It On The Alcohol)

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Fluttershy's POV:
I woke up in a bed, in someone else's pajamas. I stood up and someone opened the door.

"Oh Fluttershy! You're up, good! Your clothes are clean. The party is starting in like, thirty minutes, so you won't have time to go home and change." Pinkie said.

I glance over at the clock, it was 11:32! I had seriously overslept! I put on my clothes after asking Pinkie to leave.

I walked out of the room fully dressed, and went to go retrieve my shoes and socks from the living room where I took them off. I was a little upset that out of all my clothes my socks were the one thing that didn't get washed.

I slipped them on and searched for the others. They were in the kitchen finishing up the snack table and drinks.

"Fluttershy! You're up!" Rainbow yelled, giving me a big hug.

I hugged her back, and nodded. I helped them finish up.

--Time Skip--

The party was starting to die down, and Pinkie had invited us to stay another night. I went looking for Rainbow Dash to tell her, because she had been MIA for a while.

"Pinkie, do you know where Rainbow is?" I asked.

She shook her head no, she couldn't talk because her moth was filled with cookies.

I went around asking everyone I saw, but no one had seen her, not even Applejack, Rarity, or Twilight.

I started wandering halls and knocking on doors.

After a few minutes I walked by a door, "Come on, please?" I heard Spitfire's voice. She was the leader of the track team. Her and Dashie were good friends, maybe she had seen her.

I went to knock on the door when I heard another voice. "You know I haven't done this in a while, right?" It Rainbow Dash!

"Maybe you haven't done it in a while, but this certainly isn't your first time." Spitfire replied.

"Yeah... I guess... let's just do this." Rainbow finished.

I started to hear groans and moans and the bed started to creak.

I ran off crying, and bumped into Pinkie Pie. "Oh s-sorry Pink*hic*ie Pie." I said, wiping tears off my face, "I wasn't looking where I was *hic* going."

"What's wrong Fluttershy?" Pinkie Pie put her hand on my shoulder and hugged me tight.

I started full on bawling, "Rainbow Dash is in there doing things with Spitfire. I guess you were wrong... Rainbow Dash doesn't love me."

I ran out of Pinkie's place and all the way to my house.

I flopped on my bed and started crying into my pillow. My phone went off, I ignored it.

It went off about seven more times over the course of five minutes. I finally decided to check, I had five missed calls and three texts from Rainbow Dash. Nope. Not answering.

Rainbow's POV:
I heard someone banging on the door, "Occupied!" I yelled.

"Occupied my ass!" I heard Pinkie scream. "Rainbow Dash you better get your sorry ass out here right now or else!"

What the hell was Pinkie so pissed about? And what would she do that I should be scared of?

Actually... on second thought... I better do what she says.

I apologized to Spitfire and walked out of the room, only to be punched in the face. "Ack! What the fuck Pinkie?" I yelled.

"What the fuck Pinkie?" She screamed, "What the fuck Pinkie!? How about what the fuck Rainbow?"

I was confused as to what she meant, so she continued. "You seriously had everything going your way! Fluttershy was literally laying in you lap! I let her put her dirty feet on my head for the sake of you two! How do you repay me? How do you repay Fluttershy? You have sex with Spitfire!!"

She looked like she was about to blow up, but I was pissed. She came and interrupted me, just so she could get mad at me for something I had every right to do.

"Listen Pinkie! Fluttershy and I are not dating, I am free to have sex with whoever I want! And let's be real here. It's you Pinkie Pie, I'm sure you didn't care about her feet being on your head." I said to her.

She got an offended look. "But you could be dating, Rainbow! That's what you don't understand! Fluttershy is scared of rejection, if you hadn't been so damn arrogant you could be dating Fluttershy right now! And second of all, that's a pretty dick thing to say! Just because I didn't mind doesn't mean I want it to happen! Twilight is the only one who is allowed to do that stuff without a good reason!" She yelled at me, "If I were you Rainbow, I'd take a minute to think about what an asshole you are. Then I'd try to talk to Fluttershy, if you're lucky she'll decide to listen to your ass, lord knows she's the only person on Earth nice enough to do it!"

She turned around and started to stomp off, until she turned around. "Oh, and I don't know if you were told, but I invited everyone to spend the night again. I officially uninvited you, and would like you to leave the party. Fluttershy was going to tell you that you could stay, that is until she found you fucking Spitfire!"

She turned and left with that remark, leaving me with the crushing realization that Fluttershy was the one who told Pinkie where to find me, and what I was doing.

(A/N: If you're ever wondering how much of an asshole I am, just understand that Rainbow Dash essentially cheated on Fluttershy, and they aren't even dating.

Can out heroes recover from this devastating blow, or will this be to much to handle? Find out next time on Dragon Ba-

wait, wrong story.)

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