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A/N I'd like to dedicate this chapter to Giulissa11 for getting me motivated to update and start writing again. Comment and tell me what you think! Here you go
Me and Daniel went back to his house after walking the beach for a while that night. We spent almost the entire weekend at his or my place watching movies and just enjoying each others company. The next Monday we told all of our friends that we were dating and you'll never guess what they said. "wait, you guys weren't already dating?" we simply laughed and shook our heads. It's been a almost a month since then, although things are quiet that doesn't mean we have let our guards down. Daniel is more protective then ever, if he could, he would stand outside the bathroom stall as I use the restroom. He drives me crazy sometimes but I know he means well. On the other hand I have this overwhelming feeling that something dark looms in our near future and I think Daniel feels it too. It's like when people in cheesy movies say "it's quiet......too quiet" and then they get their head chopped off or something. So to prevent that me and Daniel have been on high alert and have been building up our fighting skills by training. It's a Thursday and my jerk of a gym coach is making me run extra laps around the football field for mouthing off to him in class but it's not my fault he asked a stupid question
Flashback to earlier in class:
I was sitting in gym class pretending to listen while I texted Daniel about our plans for the weekend. When a kid is talking in class and the teacher says "what do you call a person who keeps talking when no one cares" and he looks around and calls on me "Rose"
"a teacher" I fire back still texting. The whole class erupts into laughter saying "Oooh burnnn" and he glares at me. "that's fifteen laps around the field at the end of class for you smartass"
End of flashback:
And that's how I find myself here running around the empty field sweaty and pissed off with my headphones in. I finally finish my laps and stop to take a drink of my water when I feel a hand grip my shoulder. On instinct I grab the arm and flip them and look down to see Crystal on her back at my feet. "oh shit! Sorry Crystal you surprised me" I help her up and she seems off somehow. "don't worry Now I won't have to feel bad for this" she punches me in the gut and I drop to my knees holding my stomach. I feel my vision start to blur as i look up and see her grinning evilly down at me "C-Crystal what are you...?" right before I pass out I see Brian walk up and put his hand on Crystals shoulder "great job rookie, this ought to bring that bastard right to us" that's the last thing I hear before I slip into darkness
Daniels POV:
I'm starting to get worried, Leila told me she got extra laps but she should be done with them by now. Lunch is already almost over. I head out towards the football field and immediately I feel that something is off. I run over and see her bag but shes nowhere to be found. My heart drops and I yell her name and check everywhere even the girls locker room to find her but she's not there. I grab her bag and I find a note Ontop of it "what will you ever do without your precious flower?" ~Brian
My panic soon turns to rage "I'll kill him" I turn and see Zeke, Jacob, and Chad horsing around as they head towards me. Jacob looks to me and say "hey!" but he notices my expression and frowns "what's wrong, where's Leila?" in that moment I know that if I want to get leila back I'm gonna need their help.
*dont worry beautiful, we are coming for you. Just hold on* I think to her
Leilas POV:
I regain consciousness in a bright white sterile room with a mirror that I figure is one way glass on the far wall and no door seems to be in sight. "where the hell..." then memories before of me being taken by... Crystal?! I'm in shock from this sudden betrayal as a voice that I recognize as hers comes on the intercom
"glad to see you awake" she says sarcastically
"what do you think your doing crystal?!"
"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet, I guess your not as legendary as the boss makes you out to be"
I let out a short laugh "you work for TRAP... I should have known. But what do you mean I'm a legend?"
"you'll find out soon enough"
"not if I can do anything about it. You know I'm not just gonna sit here like some damsel in distress. I'll get out of here and when I do I'm coming for you and I'm bringing you home" I say smirking
"don't count on it" then the line goes dead
"Daniel you better not fall for this trap"
I know this chapter was kinda short but I hope that plot twist got some of you. I know I'm being a bit cliche here but what can I say? I'm cliche lol. I know I haven't updated in like forever but I want to get back into writing again. So...
What do you think is going to happen?
Will everyone make it out?
Who do you think this "boss" is?
Do you still believe in Crystal?

Thanks for reading, my angels
I'll update again very soon

BTW: the song above is pretty much Leilas attitude towards Crystal.

Love, Lola

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