13. without warning

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She was just finishing her fifth cup of coffee when her annoying PokéNav began to go off non-stop. She groaned and grabbed the device, wondering who kept sending her messages. She groaned again when she realized that, somehow, she got dragged into a group chat.

Sidney: The league reopens today woohoo full schedule

Phoebe: Eww we have four challengers today! Sid you better wipe them all out!

Sidney: Cool I get four battles not

Glacia: Too bad the champion never has to deal with events like this!

Glacia was right. But instead, the champion got to deal with a barrage of annoying messages. She silenced the device. She was still dealing with a multitude of thoughts, and having to put up with her colleagues this early was the last thing on her mind.

The clock read six A.M., and the league did not open its doors until eight A.M. May wondered what she should do until then. Watch TV? Get cleaned up? Sit around, and wallow, and do nothing all day? The possibilities were endless.

She figured that she should at least take a shower. Who knows, she might end up having to battle someone today. With four different challengers, the possibility was pretty high.

May hurried into the shower, and then she hurried out. She wasn't one to stand under the water for hours and ponder about life. She dried herself off with a towel and changed into a fresh new set of clothes. Today, she would wear her favorite biking shorts and red sleeveless top. Her damp hair was tied back with her signature bandana, the ends sticking up like Buneary ears.

It was now about half past seven, and there was someone knocking on her door. She skipped into her living room and up to the peephole. It was Steven standing outside, and he looked concerned. May opened up the door right away.

He looked her up and down. "You seem well this morning," he started. "Is there any reason why you're not answering my calls?"

"Oh, right," May said. "Well, I silenced my PokéNav this morning. The group chat was bothersome."

Steven nodded. "Can't blame you. Anyway, I stopped by to ask if you'd like to watch the battles with me."

This was probably another lesson in disguise from Steven. But, a moment alone, with him? May would take it! She nodded and grinned. "I would love to!"

He smiled back. "Excellent. Meet me inside the league in half an hour."

May shut and locked her door. That was another thirty minutes she had to herself. What should she do now? Fix her hair? Put on makeup? Nah, she's not that high maintenance. But now, she had to make sure she looked extra good.

She swapped her red top for a loose, flowy blue one. Her bike shorts were exchanged for a pair of cropped leggings. Since her bandana no longer matched any part of her outfit, she took it out and let her hair down. Her trusty black hiking shoes were enough to complete her new ensemble.

It was time for her to head out now. She double-checked to make sure that all of her poké balls were on her belt as she walked out of the door. The sun was just starting to peek above the horizon. It casted golden rays onto the island, washing everything in a pale yellow hue. She walked up the pathway and into the league building with a gigantic grin on her face.

Steven was standing there in the main arena, waiting patiently. He turned to face May as he heard her coming in. "Hey there, you ready to go to the upper level?" he asked.

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