Chapter 12

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Matei was surprised when he walked into Jana's bedroom and found it dark. The only light in the room was one stream of light from a chink in the curtains, shining on his alpha's face across the room. He smilied and sat down on the end of the bed. Jana was curled up under a blanket, her wild red hair sprawled across her pillow. She looked so peaceful and beautiful when she slept, Matei thought. And he was about to break her heart.

He didn't want to leave Jana without saying anything, but he couldn't stay any longer. Emilia was probably growing more and more impatient by the minute. Suddenly, an idea formed in his mind. He walked over to Jana's desk and grabbed a peice of paper and a pen. Taking his shoes and coat off, he sat cross-legged on the bed and started writing. When he finished he carefully folded it and placed the paper on Jana's pillow. All of a sudden, Jana started moving uncomfortably, her face tensing. Matei could tell she was having the nightmares she told him about so often. He moved so that her head was resting on his shoulder, and took her hand in his. Emilia could wait.
'I promise this isn't goodbye' he told her, tears pricking his eyes 'I'm always with you Jana. I love you.' He bent down and kissed her forehead gently. Jana stirred for a second, and Matei thought she was going to wake up. However, her eyes remained closed.

'You ok?' Katrina asked Matei when she saw him appear by the counter.
'Yeah.' Matei replied shortly, before walking away. He knew Katrina was only trying to be kind, but he just wasn't in the mood right now. Emilia bounced up to him, beaming from ear to ear.
'Matei, arn't you exited!?' She was clearly a lot happier than her brother.
'Yeah. So exited.' He replied, putting on a false smile and ruffling her hair. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her brother's hand. 'Come and meet Ollie'
'Ollie?' Matei questioned as he was dragged across the Kafe. He found himself face to face with the boy he saw earlier, who had now finished his phone call and now extending his hand towards Matei. Matei realised this and shook it, but something didn't seem right.
Emilia broke the awkwardness 'Ollie's the one taking us to the wild pack. He works for Segolia'
'We've been surveying you for weeks. Waiting for the right time to approach you' Ollie added. Matei sat down and looked Ollie up and down. He looked about 18-19, dark hair, tall, wearing casual city clothes. Everything just seemed... normal. But Ollie didn't seem normal. There was something about his scent, or his attitude. Whatever it was, it wasn't right. And Matei knew this.
'So, when are we leaving?' Matei asked
'Soon. I need to gather some data first. Oh, and speak to Alric's daughter about you leaving for good.'
Matei felt his heart skip. Maybe he would have to confront Jana after all.
'Erm.. Jana - Jana isn't here right now' Matei tried as hard as he could to sound truthful.
'What?' Emilia protested 'I thought-' she shut herself up as she noticed Matei was shooting her a serious look. She took the hint and agreed with her brother 'Yeah, she's not going to be back for a while'
Ollie seemed to believe them, and stood up to leave.

After loading all the bags and equipment into Ollie's car, Emilia went back knto the Kafe to say goodbye to Katrina, while Ollie and Matei waited outside. Ollie whipped his phone out of his pocket and started tapping quickly, before putting it back and leaning against his car. There were a few minutes of silence, before Ollie finally spoke up.
'So, you know Jana quite well?'
'I should hope so. We are dating.' Ollie seemed taken aback by this, but Matei decided to brush it off. 'But I guess it might be different now...' He trailed off, staring away. Ollie opend his mouth to say something, but they both sensed Emilia returning. As she had been most of the day, she was grinning with excitement.
'You ready?' Ollie asked, grinning.
'Of course' she replied 'lets go!'

Author's note
Anyone else sensing a bit of beef betwen Ollie and Matei? What do you guys think of my new character?
Writing this chapter was actually strenuous on my brain, I have no idea why! But it's up now, and I hope you enjoyed it!!!
Please vote and comment, love ya awesome strangers xx

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