Soot and Tears

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School was strange with Stiles in it. He wasn't in all of Derek's lessons but he was in most. Coach loved him- he managed to be really good at lacrosse in a flaily way. Jackson and co didn't.

Lydia seemed to have got over her so called crush on Derek to ogle at Stiles. Derek didn't like it and neither did Jackson who went out of his way to harass Stiles. Not that it worked. Stiles somehow managed to snark off every mean comment with his gorgeous smile and devil may care attitude.

It had only been a week since Derek had been bitten but it felt way longer. Somehow (Derek knew it was Laura, it was always Laura's fault) Derek's entire family above the age of 12 had found out that he was a creature of the night. After a -forced- demonstration his mum had demanded that Stiles come round for dinner.

Derek had caught her and Laura exchanging smirks afterwards so his whole family probably knew about his unrequited crush too. Great. The dinner was happening tonight and was the only time Derek had dreaded being in Stiles' company. God, his family would probably love him. Who couldn't love Stiles?

Scott apparently. Stiles was in the toilet so it was just Derek and Boyd at the table.

"Why are you hanging out with him still?" hissed Scott. Allison was at his side.

Derek glowered at him.

"He's trying to steal Lydia from Jackson you know!" continued Scott.

Boyd snorted behind his fries.

"Stiles hasn't so much as looked at Lydia once" Derek rolled his eyes.

"Don't you know what he is?"

Derek jumped. Allison knew. Scott didn't seem to sceptical of the werewolf idea anymore if Derek was to judge by his face.

"Hey, hey what's going on here?" Stiles was now there, smirking as usual but Derek could smell his tension.

"Nothing" mumbled Scott and dragged Allison away with him.

"Stiles-" Derek started but was stopped with a look.

"Derek, Boyd" Stiles nodded. "This is Erica"

A girl who was in Derek's art class stepped forwards. Her eyes were slightly watery and red rimmed her eyes.

"Hey" she whispered. If Derek had guessed right, Stiles had found her crying in the girl's toilets. She had epilepsy, he remembered.

As Erica smiled shyly and sat next to Boyd Derek realised the immediate problem would have to wait for later.

Boyd got on really well with Erica it turned out and by the end of lunch she was laughing happily and Stiles was smiling and a soft mellow scent was coming from him. He was glad. Glad and happy that he had made Erica happy.

"Stiles- Allison knows about us." Derek said quickly after school.

"I know" groaned Stiles. "She's a hunter"

"A what?"

"A werewolf/supernatural being hunter. She's an Argent. They're a famous line of hunters" Stiles sighed, his burnt cinnamon eyes haunted.

"Th-They were the ones that..." Stiles stopped and took a deep breath. The scent of sadness thickened dangerously in his scent.

Werewolf hunters. If Derek could hazard a guess they were probably the ones who murdered Stiles family. Suddenly Derek was angry. Angry at the Argents for making Stiles crack like this, his scent like soot and tears. He was angry at the world for doing such a thing to such a selfless, kind person.

"Sooooo" said Stiles pressing down on the accelerator of his jeep. "Your family. Csan't wait to meet them...."

Derek had forgotten about the impending doom. Crap.

Sorry for failing at updating :(  Hopefully I will be back soon....Summer holidays next week YAYYYYY!!!

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