Violet's darkest

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  She could see everything through a violet haze, but she couldn't make a sound. Her mouth was open to match the dying shrieks but she couldn't make her vocals follow her brain. She was deemed helpless as she stood there in watch.

  She was crying, but she couldn't feel the tears. Another blood splattering scream filled the air despair and lost hope filled the void that soon came after. She memorized the scene, but she didn't want to see it again.

The bloodshed left two single survivor one on each opposing team,  the man causing this chaos was above the bleeding injured woman barely alive heaving out breaths, forcing herself to stay strong.

 The girl on the floor an older replica of me, worn features progressed, even at such a young age of 34 wrinkles shown at the corner of her eyes, her once jet-black hair now streaked with gray. She laid on the floor a man above her stance a posture of defiance and pride, it was contagious.

  Nothing about her screamed weak from her unnatural violet orbs to her muscular modelish body, even though she had a barrel in between her breast as the man had kneeled glaring down at her, she smirked and shot a blinding smile at the man above her one that would have flustered any man but it didn't faze him at all.

  He tsked "Now, now  Cecilia there's nothing else you can do I've already killed the rest of them, your next and your kids will soon follow your death," he grinned wickedly. Cecilia merely waved her hand

  "By the time you kill me the kids will already be gone, it doesn't really surprise me though that you would underestimate me Fredrick you tend to think your higher than anyone else but the thing is even you almighty Satan has his faults," She paused twisting the gun till the trigger was slightly pulled but not enough to set off yet"- and now you've just been exposed to one," She whispered smiling sadly as she pulled the trigger all the way releasing the bullet ending her life.

 And once again the girl could do nothing as she watched the man stand up, grinning victoriously confusion slightly morphed into his features as he took the gunout of the now deceased Cecilia. Turning it on her only daughter. Then he pulled the trigger, the bullet pushing past time slowly making its way to her heart, then, she woke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2014 ⏰

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