Zacky x Reader (2)

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You looked up at the stars one late summer night on the roof of your house. That was always your favorite spot to sit and think.

The stars twinkled and the warm breeze brushed against your face, making you close your eyes. You felt your throat get tight and your eyes get hot and watery.

And so, the tears came...

"Ah," you heard and jumped, "I knew you'd be here."

You looked over and quickly sat up when you realized your boyfriend Zacky found you.

"What are you doing?" he closed the window that acted as the doorway to the roof and your bedroom.

"Just um...flying a kite. You know..." you chuckled "when did you get here?"

"Just now, I drove over to surprise you. I saw you weren't in your room so I figured you were here."

You nodded and looked back out at the stars.

Zacky stared at you for what seemed like forever.

"What?" you asked.

He sighed and sat down next to you, pulling you in close and placing his hand on your head which allowed you to rest your head on his shoulder.

"You know," he sighed, "I hate seeing you like this."

You shrugged.

"Can you tell me what's making you cry?" he wiped one of your tears away.

You sniffled and responded, "everything. I hate so much, Zack. My family, the atmosphere I live in, the friends who stabbed me in the back, myself-"


You sighed and hid your face in the crook of his neck.

"Let me tell you something," he spoke soothingly, "when I see you, all I can think about it how beautiful and perfect you are to me. When I hear your voice it makes me feel warm because it's...well, it's yours!" he chuckled and grinned that famous grin you adored to pieces, "when I hold you like I am now...I know that everything's okay...or will be. Because I've got a beautiful and strong and healthy girl that I'm proud to call mine and that's what makes me the happiest."

You blushed hard at his preach. But you smiled softly to yourself.

You looked up at him and he wiped another tear away.

"Hey..." he whispered, lightly grabbing your chin, "I love you."

"I-I love you too..." you choked as he pulled you in, kissing you slowly, softly, and sweetly.

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