Two Faced bitches

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Jasmine is dating Ray. Ray found out she is pregnant. Kelsie beat the shit out of her for cheating. Now, we are going to find out who was talking to Kelsie.

Recap ovah!

Kelsie: *turns around* ABRION!!!

Abrion: *hugs her* I've missed you sooo much Kelly

Kelsie: What are you doing here ?!

Abrion: I moved down the block, and I was walking around the neighbourhood than I saw everyone here and I heard the music. So, I joined the crowd. Everyone left and I heard the yelling causeI was last to leave, so I came up :D.

nicki: Abrion? Who's Abrion?

Kelsie: My boyfriend. From when we lived in  SC before we moved here.

Abrion: Wait, are you Nicki Minaj??

Nicki: Yes, Are you a fan??

Abrion: Yes I am I love your music

Nicki: Thanx :D

kelsie: Abrion .... that's my aunti

Abrion: Lies

Kelsie: Ok, we will see 

Ray: Ahem, enough chit-chat ... can we please get my half-dead girlfriend to the hospital?

Nicki: Oh yeah ... I forgot about her

They all get to the hospital including Abrion, although he has no clue of what's happening ... Each of them took seperate cars... Nicki, Ray, and Jasmine in Nicki's car ... Abrion and Kelsie in Kelsie's car ...

@ the hospital

Doc: Family of Jasmine Ross?

E/O but Kelsie: *stand up*

Nicki: *pulls Kelsie too stand*

Kelsie: Ugh .. right here *raises her hand witha  disgusted facial expression*

Doc: Okay?? Please follow me to room 341

Kelsie: *mumbling* This bitch making me come tot he hospital for what?? ..... I wish I did  kill her .... UGH!

Doc: Well' her and the baby are fine. She is asleep if you all would like to see her. She has been beaten up pretty bad so we will have to keep her here for a few nights.

Kelsie: YAY!! No, Jasmine *Starts Dancing*

Nicki: KELSIE!! Stop that's rude *private thoughts* I'd probably do the same but remeber nicki be mature

Kelsie: Whatever .... I'm out *chucks up deuces*

Abrion: She's my ride so I'm out too

In the car

Ring Ring

Kelsie: *puts her phone on speaker*Hey Jordan

Jordan: hey girl you comin to the mall?

Kelsie: Yeah but im bringing someone

Jordon: Who?

Kelsie: My boyfriend Abrion

Jordon: *singing* Oooh, Kelsie's got a boyfriend...Kelsie's got a boyfriend.... Kelsie's got a boyfriend

??: Awwe man!!

Kelsie: Who's that??

Jordan: It's Jadne

Abrion: Jaden?? Who's Jaden?

Kelsie: Babe, chill, it's my friend, he likes me

Abrion: He better watch his back


Abrion: Niqqa, shut up

Jaden: Fuck you ..

Amber: Jaden Shut up, Kelsie we'll see you here

Kelsie: Ok deuces *hangs up*

@ the mall

Vanessa: Hey girl!! *runs up to Kelsie and Abrion*

Kelsie: Hey girlie

E/O: *Running up to Kelsie* KELLY!!

Kelsie: Hey everyone, this is my boyfriend Abrion

Jaden: ...smh...

Abrion: Niqqa, shut up please!!

Jaden: *walks off*

Roc: Abrion, wanna come with me and the guys we hitting up HMV and getting Jordans and letting the girls be ..... girls 

Vanessa: Very funny *private thoughts*He is sooooo cute!!..... I m taking him for myself one way or another

End of thoughts

Kelsie: Hey! Vanessa! *waving her hands in her face* You good?? We are gettin food you comin??

Vanessa: *doesn't realise what shes saying* Abrion, will be mine

Kelsie: *bitch slaps her* How would you like if I took prodigy from yo(gco) 

??: Are you the girls and sister of Chresanto August, Jacob Perez, Craig Crippen Jr., and Rayan Lopez??

Girls: Yes

??: My name is walter

??: and Im  Keisha

Walter: We were looking for teen singing and dancing groups and we over heard your boys singing in HMV. We asked them if they danced and they did a small number for us and we asked them if they wanted to sign, and they agreed but they wanted us to let you girls know that we signed them.(---> skip to 0:24)

Kelsie: Er Mah Gawd!! Im the sister of a celebrity *squeals*

Jordan: Girl hush *chuckles* We gotta find them ... but first here are our numbers 

They all exchange numbers and go on a hunt for the boys, first getting food. Than they found them getting Jordans.

Girls: Really?! -.-

Roc: What?! We couldn't find you

Prince: *has food in his mouth* nvjhbahjfbvbav

Jordan: Eww .. close your mouth .... ya lil nasty *raven voice*

Amber: So whens the first concert?

Abrion: 5 months, I made back-up dancer

Kelsie: Great job bae .. We going with you guys??

guys: Uhhh ...... Ask Keisha

Kelsie: I'll ask her later

Vanessa: I'm callin my boo

Prod: I'm right here ...

Vanessa: Oh yeah i didn't tell you? We're over sorry ... Ray and Kelsie Jasmine just texted me saying 'watch your back'

Kelsie: *knocks her out cold* Choke on a dick you whore!!

E/O in the store: (faces) 0.0

Kelsie: What?! I hate two faced people ... gosh *walks out the store*

Ray: Ooooh, Abrion your gonna get cussed!! Cause we brought the bitchy side of her out

Abrion: Why me?!

Ray: She cusses anyone who is close to her and I'm not going to be with her ... it'll just be you

Abrion: FUCK!!

Kelsie: *pushes random person on ther floow* MOVE!!!!!

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