2|:| Holy monkey balls

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Present time:

"I uh yeah we met before at a...Starbucks," I say quickly.

"Yeah Starbucks," Niall whispered.

He better not blow this for me.

"Well... Niall come have a seat so we can talk about this new arrangement," Mr.Horan says gesturing to the leather seat next to me.

"Lizzette here, has decided to work for our company, she will be both my assistant and your educator in the industry, since she is studying business like you, but she will be helping you learn more about how to run this place before I retire and hand it over to you, is that clear," he asked sending both me and Niall a pointed look.

"Does that mean I'm hired?" I asked him.

"Yes," Mr.Horan replied.

He has only researched my background and gave me a few questions and now he's hiring me. Holy monkey balls.

I turned to look at Niall who was staring down at his phone, eyebrows furrowed in concentration, his fingers moving rapidly about the screen.

"Well um when do I start?" I asked returning my attention to my new boss.

"Tomorrow, you will show up here at 8 p.m sharp, Charlie will show you what to do before I arrive here at 10, I'll give you a packet of what the appropriate dress code is and what your job consists of, if you have any questions contact the number on the last page of the packet," he said handing me a thick packet.

I took the packet and scanned the first page.

"Horan and Co. Employees Manual" was in bold at the top of the page.

"That'll be all Ms.Garcia, you are dismissed," he says. I obediently got up from my seat, thank him for hiring me and walked out. Niall followed me out and pulled me into an empty conference room.

"What are you doing here and how did you know my brother owned this company," he interrogated me.

"I didn't know anything, to be honest I thought I was never going to see you again and now I'm your 'educator'," I say with a sigh.

He frustratingly ran his hands through his ruffled hair and blew out a sigh.

"Alright look, let's just forget what happened last night," he says sticking his hand out for me to shake.

"Hi I'm Niall, nice to meet you," he says the gleam in his blue eyes returning.

"It was not nice to meet you, Niall," I say with a smirk.

He chuckles softly at my words when something behind me caught his eye.

"Niall," a soft feminine voice says.

"Rita? Hey," he says, his eyes flickering with panic.

"Why didn't you call me," she says.

"I got uh caught up with something," he replies.

"Oh," she said a frown forming on her pale face as she walked out of the room.

"Well I should get going, the boys must be worried about me," I say straightening my posture and turning towards the door.

"Liz wait," Niall said grabbing my shoulder.

"What," I turned around to face him.

"Um...nothing," he says a look of defeat on his face.


"LIZ," the boys said in unison as I walked into the house.

"Hey guys," I said unsteadily.

"Where were you?" Louis was the first to ask.

"We were waiting for you all night and you never came back," Liam says.

"I spent the night at a...friends" I reply.

"Why do you sound unsure? Was this guy a one night stand? Did he take your virginity? Are you not innocent anymore? What happened to our little sister?" Louis asked like the protective older brother he was.

These boys weren't my older brothers though. Time for a story.

When I was about 5, my parents died in a car crash. They had left me alone with a babysitter when the news struck. From then on, I was moved to an orphanage where I met Liam and Louis there. They treated me like the little sister they never had and always wanted. We stuck together as a family. Which brings us to now.

"Louis she's not a baby anymore don't treat her like one we have to understand that she is now a woman capable of taking care of herself," Liam responded to Louis questions.

"Exactly," I say defending myself.

"Well, I guess I'll have to understand but to me you'll always be my little sister, I still remember the day you came to the orphanage, I was 9 at the time and me and Liam were playing together when you-"

"Suddenly appeared at the door watching us," Liam interrupted.

"And you were the most prettiest little girl ever and we loved you like a sister and promised you that we would stick together as a family," I finished for them.

I've heard this story a million times already i know how it ends and how it starts from every last word and detail.

"How do you know this story Lizzy," Louis asked scratching the light stubble on his chin.

"We've told it a billion times," Liam says.

"Yeah," I say quietly and head up to my room.

It was a white colored room with a bed full of black satin sheets. Louis and Liam wanted me to feel like a princess so they decided to buy me all this. I told them they didn't have to do this but they insisted.

I flopped onto my bed and screamed into my pillows.

I have no idea why I'm so frustrated.

I turned over in bed and huffed.

Why must I be so stupid?

Why can't I just...I just, i dont know?

I silently started crying.

Why couldn't niall just disappear from my life?

I thought he was only a 1 night stand and now it turns out I'll be seeing him everyday for the rest of my career.

So, Liam is 22, Liz is 20, and Louis is 24. Louis is 4 years older than Liz and Liam is 2 years older so they met when Liam was 7, Louis was 9 and Liz was 5. Also, Niall is 22.

How do y'all like this so far?

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