Chapter Twenty Four

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The rest of the day was largely uneventful. I spent the vast majority of my time alone in my room as Marcie, Gus-Gus, and Jack we're out doing other things. I paced for a while, looking out the window at the grounds; I looked at the books on the bookshelf in my room but they all sounded extremely boring. I even attempted to take a nap but it was futile as I couldn't keep my eyes closed for more than a minute. Thoughts of todays brunch filled my head. What had compelled me to tell Georgie about my mother? That wasn't what I was truly upset about, but once I had started talking about her I couldn't stop.
   My mom was the epitome of grace and beauty; everybody loved her. She was kind and fun and made my father smile. She did work here in the castle, planning the grounds, and I was proud of her for it. She'd bring me along when I was younger and we'd host tea parties in the garden where we thought no one would find us until one day the Queen stumbled upon our makeshift party. My mother was shocked and afraid of getting in trouble, but I who was nine the wiser, invited the Queen over for a cup of tea and some cookies I had made at home to surprise my mother. The Queen, delighted, took a seat on the grass right between us and played along. Afterwards did I notice her lean in towards my mother and my mother's face relax and break into a smile. I loved the Queen like she was my Aunt, and though Georgie probably didn't remember, he and I had a play date on occasion. We would run through the gardens and play until his mother called us back in.

  I really loved this place until my mother got sick and the King ruined everything for me. All I could see in these hallways were ghosts from a better past. One with my parents alive and smiled and laughter. But I suppose it was an illusion after all, and all illusions have to come to an end. I just wish mine hadn't ended so violently and with so much heartbreak. I thought Madame Tremaine would be able to make me but mainly my father, happy again, but alas that proved to be untrue as well.

  And here I was consumed by thoughts of Mary and Georgie and how our lives had intertwined again. Chewing on my thumbnail, I leaned on the edge of the bed and looked out the window, trying to think of any possible way I could be free of her. I hated her so much and everything she had turned me and my beautiful house into. I loathed myself for letting her but at the time I saw nothing I could do, and almost nothing I could do now. I loved my house too much to just run away, and I didn't know what kind of power she held but I couldn't have her hurt Georgie either. I had deduced so far that someone inside the palace was helping her to get here, and would probably help push me along in the weaning process to find Georgie a Queen. In a bitter twist of irony, I thought it was funny she probably didn't need any help in that, I saw the way Georgie looked at me when he thought I wasn't looking and I knew Sam was helping him. I just wish I could tell Sam, someone who seemed so trustworthy, what was going on. But for all I knew it was Sam who was helping Mary.
   Groaning, I clutched my turning stomach and prayed for the physical and mental pain to go away when there came a knock at my door.

  "Come in," I called meekly and none other than Sam walked in.
   "Hello Miss Ella. I am making visits to each of the girls rooms to see how they are adjusting," he told me, coming around the bed to stand in front of me. "How are you doing?"

   I gave him a pained smile. "Fine."
   He stared at me blankly before sitting in the chair next to my bed, turning it towards me. "Miss Ella don't lie to me. Is there anything I can do to help you?" he asked with so much care and sincerity I felt my eyes start to water.
   I shook my head and looked at the ground, praying for him to go away and leave me alone.
   Sam waited a moment more before standing and placing a card on my nightstand next to the emergency phone. "This is my personal room number. If you need anything, please, don't hesitate to use it."
   He walked out and the door clicked softly behind him. I hesitated a moment before looking at the door and then picking up the card. Scribbled on it was a number, and beneath that a smiley face next to Sam's name. I don't know why this made me burst out laughing and I held the card closely to my chest as I laid back on the bed and began to cry.

  I had never felt so alone in my entire life. Even after my father died and Mary shoved me into the attic I hadn't felt as alone as I did now. Then I had the house, my stuff, and my animals if anything. Now I had... Well, I had me, myself, and I.

  Turning away from the window, I curled into a ball and squeezed my eyes shut and blissfully sleep came.


I looked out into the hallway to make sure the coast was clear before shutting my office door and locking it with a soft click. I hurried over to my desk and picked up the phone, dialing the Tremaine residence.
   "It took you long enough," the female voice growled on the other end of the phone.
   "You do realize I have a very important job?" I hissed back, looking wearily at the door.
   She sighed and paused. "Well? How's it going?"
   I smiled and looked down at my clipboard. "Splendid. Better than I could have ever expected. The Prince seems very taken by her and we even secured her a room right across from his."
   "Excellent..." Mary said and I could hear her smile on the other end of the line. "And how soon can I expect this to be over with?"

"Patience my dear Mary, these things take time. But I can tell you that the way these things are going, you might be getting here much sooner than expected,"I smiled myself, pleased as I looked down at the board. There were a series of names highlighted on multiple sheets designating the girls that were to be going home in the morning. It was nothing personal, but the Prince had been able to weed some of the girls out simply based on looks, and some on personality of who was and who wasn't Lady E. Soon we would be getting to the questions, one-on-one's, and meet-and-greets with the rest of the family. But that wasn't to come until later, when there were only a few girls left. If all went to plan, Ella would have the Prince in the palm of her hand when they walked into that ball and George announced her as his wife. It was all just so perfect.
  "That's wonderful news, thank you for calling. I hope to hear from you again soon," I heard a click on the other end and hung my phone up as well. I rubbed my hands together and picked up the clipboard, flipping the pages. So many girls gone...

Suddenly I looked up and in the cornerof a room I saw a mouse sniffing at my rug and I ran towards it, waving the clipboard. "Shoo! Out! Get out!" The mouse squeaked and ran into the wall and I glared for a second more to make sure it didn't come back before walking to my desk and sitting down. "Wretched vermin..." I mumbled as I got back to work.

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