Chp.1: Finally Free?

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I sat on the bed contemplating life. All my memories flashed in my mind, I though of the future I wouldn't have."I gotta get out of here." I said quietly to myself. I looked at the padded walls. I sat on the ground. I looked up at the camera. I got up and walked over to the bed, I reached under the mattress, I pulled out a knife. I hid it in my boot. i reached back under the mattress and grabbed the other knife. I looked up again. I threw the knife at the wall. It stuck in the padding, I walked up and pulled it out. I touched the hole it made.I started peeling the padding off, I ripped a small hole.

I could see wall behind. "Damn it!" i said quietly. I gripped the knife tightly. I looked up at the camera. I looked down at my wrist and held the knife over it. A guard came in and stood before me. I looked up innocently. I dropped the knife down right by me. He just looked at me the whole time. I took a step and he lunged towards me. I tripped him and grabbed the knife on the ground. I walked over to him, I grabbed the key on his belt. I looked at the camera and winked. I ran out of the room and ran down the halls. I was the only one here. Guards started running out of the rooms. I ran faster. I saw the door and rammed through it. I sat on the ground with glass all around me.I heard footsteps and quickly got up and ran.

I ran to a building. When i got there the door was locked. I scrambled for the keys. I heard the footsteps behind me stop. I went down to my knees and put my hands up. I heard the footsteps get closer. I reached into my boot and pulled the knife out. I threw it behind without looking."what the hell?!" I heard the voice say. I turned around and saw Andy Biersack, i looked at his hand which was bleeding.I took a deep breath "I'm so sorry." I said, I stood up and walked towards him. "It's OK," he said "don't worry about it." he smiled. I smiled back. I saw the the guards running towards us. I grabbed Andy's wrist, "let's go!" I yelled. We ran until we reached a dead end. "What now!" he yelled. I looked around and saw a hole in the wall.

"Look! down there!" he looked down then at me. He was waiting for me to explain. "The bricks down there are missing." I said. He looked down and got on his knees and slid through the hole. I got down and slid through too. Half way out one of the guards grabbed my wrist. I swung my legs out and kicked him. I went through the hole. Andy looked at me "sooooo who are you?" he asked. I laughed "I'm Horizon Fuentes."  "Wait! one of Vic Fuentes's sisters?" "Yeah I'm one of them," I said. "sooo how's Vic?" He looked down. I started backing up, I felt tears welling up. "I'm just kidding." he said looking at me. I just stared. "You are a terrible person." I said shaking my head and laughing at the same time. He laughed. "Come on," he said "let's go meet up with the rest of them." I nodded. He grabbed my hand.

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