Chapter 1

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It begins innocent enough, a dink with an old friend. It was December 2016 and I wanted to celebrate my birthday with a friend I've had since childhood. She was going to be moving to Spain that week, which meant she would be gone on my actual birthday at the end of the month.
I intended to leave her place early so I can catch the bus home. I don't know the area too well and I didn't want to be out in the dark. Up until that night, I had always relied on her giving me lifts back and forth, so I never really took time to notice the naborhood. I ended up not leaving up until midnight but in my somewhat drunken have, I managed to convince myself, and my friend,that taking a bus home was a good idea. The problem was, I had missed the last bus hours ago. Never the less, I put my coat on, stumbled out the door with some general directions to the nearest bus stop and I promised to return, now, sober me has no problem admitting to being scared of the dark and sober me probably

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