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- Legolas' POV -
I wake up and feel a constant burn on my back. I groan and my eyes adjust to the light, and I see Volgana standing above me. Three orks rush in and chain me to the wall, back facing her. She walks behind me and moves my hair so that she gets a clear view of my back.
"Shame, such beauty, put to waste."
I grunt as she touches one of the wounds from yesterday.
"Legolas, answer my question and we will not hurt you. In case you do not remember, I asked for names and where my children are, I know you know something Legolas. Tell me."
I chuckle and I sense her confusion.
"I would actually rather not tell you, it is quite amusing to see you so desperate.. Arg!"
She takes the whip from the ork and hits be across the back, reopening wounds from yesterday.
"Talk young elf, it may be better if you did."
"Amin Avara! Amin Avara nyar- lle!" (I refuse! I refuse to tell you!)
Another hard whip. Another, and another. I cry out as old wounds open.
"Will you tell me now young one?"
She whips me about ten more times and leaves. The orks unchain me and I fall to the floor. They dump the strange liquid on my back again and I cry out. My blood curdling scream echoing down the long hallway. If Mel doesn't save me soon, this cell will be the last thing I see.

- Melda's POV -
We travel to a small elven village that was attacked by Volgana. After asking a couple of questions, we have our first hint as to where she is! Oh thank the valar!! We now head to a small area with multiple volcanoes. The hope inside me fills me with joy. I may soon see my Legolas again, and then the worry hits me. What if she killed him? What if she hurt him? We have to find him!!
"Um, I do not mean to be a bother Faerveren, but could we possibly move any faster?"
He turns and looks at me slightly annoyed.
"No, Melda, we are going as fast as we can."
I narrow my eyes.
"Faerveren, what if they are hurting him? We have to get to him!"
"Melda, calm down, he is Legolas, he has been through worse."
"How do you know what they are doing to him?! They could have killed him!"
"Melda, stop thinking like that, he will be okay. He has cheated death many times now, surely he will be spared again. Have hope Melda."
We keep walking in silence. His words comforting me slightly.

- Legolas' POV -
I feel something pull me up off the ground and I see an ork. He's carrying me somewhere, but I'm too weak to resist. I relax in his arms and let him take me wherever he plans to. I feel him start to lower me down and he forces me to sit up. I open my eyes and see Volgana. More interrogation. Three orks appear and they grab my arms, the third one has the whip.
"Well, elf prince, you look horrible I must say. So much for elves always being perfect."
I snarl at her before she asks a question.
"Where are my children? They are with your group, are they not?"
I take awhile to answer, not because I'm thinking, because I'm so weak.
"I.. Do not.. Know."
My voice is hoarse and weak. It hurts in my throat to talk.
"Ooo, you are not looking or sounding well elf prince. You might want to answer, and we will give you anything you need to feel better."
"I will not.. Answer to you.. AGH!"
The whipping causes me so much pain. My back is cut up horribly I'm sure, and it's bruised.
"What are your plans?"
I say nothing and receive a hard whip, making me scream out.
"Answer elf prince."
"N'uma..." (No..)
I say it so quietly, barely she heard it.
"Well then, elf prince, you will regret these decisions you make now. Guards, you know what to do!"
They drag me away, but surprisingly, not to my cell. They take me to a small room and chain me up so my hands are above my head and my back faces them. The start whipping an untouched part of my back. It doesn't hurt so bad at first, then the pain gradually gets worse. After fifteen or so whips I start screaming and thrashing. Then, I call out something I may regret.
"MEL!!! AHHH!!"
Volgana walks in and the whipping ceases.
"What did you just say?"
I glare at her and keep silent.
I receive another whip and her mouth curls into a smile at seeing my pain. My breaths are shaky and labored. Everything hurts.
"amin.. amin avara a'.. tatya." (I.. I refuse to.. Repeat.)
"Well, elf prince, you will speak. You will answer my questions. Take him away."
The orks unchain me and one picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. He walks back to my cage and dumps the liquid on my back, I scream as it burns my back. He throws me in and my back still burns. I scream for a couple of minutes and the burning switches gradually to a numb feeling. I lift a shaky hand and touch a my back, I grunt and pull my hand back. My hand is colored red. I lift my hand again and touch my back again, then I find something embedded in my back. I swiftly pull it out and cry out softly. I almost drop it bringing my hand in front of my face, I examine the object. It's a shard of glass. Most likely from the whip. I drop it and feel my back again very gently, trying not to hurt myself. I pull out three more glass shards. I gently glide my fingers across my back, every time I touch a wound it burns. I pull out one last one, on it I see a yellow substance. I smell it, it smells like.. Lemons. That's what they put on my back. Some kind of mixture containing lemon juice. I throw the piece of glass and curl up in my cell. Hoping and praying that Mel will save me soon.

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