"Okay Beth I'm leaving now. There are leftovers from the party in the fridge if you get hungry"
*mother walks out and leaves in car*
Beth spent most of her night crying because she knew that if her mother didn't change something bad souls happen to her. She also stayed up watching tv and eating.
*the next morning, it's 7 a.m Beth wakes up to the house phone ringing*
"Hello" Beth says in a tired voice.
"Is this the daughter of Shanae"
"Yes this is she may I ask who is calling."
"This is a nurse at Vally fear and your mother was dropped off last night and she has overdosed on powder and plan pills is there any way that you could get a hold of your father?"*still on the phone Beth tries to keep from crying*
"Yes I will call him right now thank you for calling"*calls father and explains the story, now Beth her brother and her father are at the hospital*
"Shane what is wrong with you, you have been doing good for so long you have children that you have to take care of, every night you are slitting around town and fucking everybody who comes your way, you either clean up your act or I'm taking the children" Beth's father says to her mother very angrily.
"I will agree to go to rehab but I promise you on everything you will not take my children away from me" Beth's mother says.
*Beth's mother goes to a 2 month rehab and will be returning in 2 days*