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Travelling with you parents is one thing, but travelling on your own is a whole new experience.

I'm seventeen soon to be eighteen. I'm on my way to America to meet Damian he is nineteen and who I'll be staying with for now. Did I tell you why I had to leave London? No? Well let me tell you why.

I had to leave because my life is in danger. I don't have any other choice. People are after me because of who I am. I don't really know the full reason myself. All I know is that I have to get to Damian as soon as possible. I'm an orphan you see and these bastards killed my adoptive parents.

Before they died they gave me a box and in that box were things about me. Pictures of Damion and other people who I don't know. I also found a letter from my parents in that box.

It said;

"Baby if you are reading this me and your father love you. We had no other choice but to give you away. Your precious you see and we just wanted you to have a normal life. If your reading this letter then it means that Michael and Katherine are dead. You have to go to America. On the back of one of the pictures you'll find a name and number. That is who will be waiting for you when you arrive. You have to text that number saying that you are coming. Then you have 7 hours to leave London. You can't take anything with you. Only the box. Now we don't want to delay you any further. Get to Gatwick airport, get on the next flight to Florida and don't speak to anyone if you don't have to! We both love you, now hurry!

Love your Mother and Father x"

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