I was scrolling through Twitter when I get a DM -Direct Message- from RobertIDK. At least that's what it says. I open it and it simply says "Hi".
Hello! I responded. I went on his Twitter account to check out who he is. Quickly after I respond to him he responds back with. "What's your name?" I texted him Y/N and then back to his twitter page. He has a YouTube channel! Cool. I thought to myself. I love your name he said.
Thanks can I know yours? I asked.
I scrolled through his pictures to see what he looked like. I found him smiling with a peace sign.
Aww! He looks adorable! How old is he? I thought.
My name is Robert, your a verry attractive woman you know?
Thanks! I'm only 19 wbu? - wbu is what about you to people who don't know-
I'm 21 not that far apart. Let's meet up?. He responded. ( look I don't know how old he is so if any of you do please comment and tell me I looked online and rewatched all of his Videos to try and find out but I didn't have any luck so can any of you help?)
Hmmm....I thought. I was still looking through his twitter page and found more adorable pictures of him. I guess it won't hurt to try I'm single so I don't have to worry about that.
Okay! Where and when? I said.
At Taco Bell (Or wherever you wanna go) 1:00?
Perfect! I'll be there! I typed back.
Cool! Meet ya there! Bye!
Hope you liked the first chapter I'll try and make them longer well I'll see all you dudes in the next chapter! -Music plays- haha lol but really Stay Beautiful! -Piper