Chapter Five

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Hit the Stage~ this performance still kills me a thousand times

Chapter Five
Park Song Yi:

I smiled at them softly, and started walking behind the Ahjumma. I turned around to see Oh Byul in the distance with her arms crossed as she started at me. I felt bad for her, even though she acted like a little cockroach, it wasn't her fault. She had a crush on Yugyeom since we were six, which made her resented me because I was always with him. I felt bad for her unrequited love; I felt bad for her not being able to reach Yugyeom.

I felt bad, because I understood that feeling.


I had been walking for fourty minutes, all by myself. My legs were about to fall off any moment. My heart was pounding hard against my ribcage, threatening to escape, if I didn't stop this horrendous act of active behaviour this instant.

How could I be so unfit?

"Yah, Song Yina, how could you be so unfit?"

A bloodscreeching scream left me, as my body fell backwards in fear and shock.

I looked up to see the King of Dickheads a few feet infront of me, leaning against a tree.

"What are you doing here?" I squinted at him, with annoyance.

"Waiting for you, we had to go get the kimchi together, Song Yina." He walked towards me, and stuck his hand out for help. "And you missy, abandoned me."

"Just felt it was about time you tasted your own medicine." I cynically smiled at him, ignoring his extended hand and getting up myself.

I took a few steps past Yugyeom, and brushed the dirt of my trousers. I hissed at the stinging sensation forming on my palms. I turned it around to see a few streaks of scratches, a few deep enough to draw a little blood.

"Shit, Song Yina!" Yugyeom grabbed my hand, bringing it to his face to study it. "Are you okay? Does he hurt a lot?" His eyes held concern and worry for me, as he softly blew on my booboo.

Maybe I was being a little too harsh on him; he still cared for me.

Maybe I should just let it go and move on? I felt a pang in my heart as I remembered the first time I went to see Yugyeom in Seoul. I remembered the pain and saddness he made me feel; my best friend made me feel.

I withdrew my hand from him, and hid it behind me. He looked up to me, staring into my eyes. Questioning me, why I did that? Why can't we just forgive and forget?

"I'm fine. It's just a few scratches, I'm used to pain worse than this." I answered him, looking him in the eyes.

He still had the same eyes, homely brown with a tinge of warm gold. His eyes were so peaceful, kind and loving, something he once was. His eyes were the same, they still sparkled with the same child-like innocence and happiness, but in this moment, they looked sad. And I was causing that.

But, I felt that too Yugyeom. Maybe even worse, because I didn't know if I'd ever see you again.

I cleared my throat, and began walking again.

"Come on kid, we're getting late." I told him.

That seemed to snap him out of it. "Yah! I'm older than you."

"You're still a kid though." I replied.

"Then what are you? You're younger than me." He smirked at me.

"Three weeks mean nothing Gyeomie, you have the mentality of a six year old." I looked up at him. He's eyes sparkled with something I couldn't comprehend, as he gave me a big smile.

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