The Boat to Death

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 ***this is my first story everyone so please no hate and this doesn't have any chapters so yeah enjoy*****

“Please grandpa, please tell me about the Ghost story,” exclaimed Peter.

“No son, you’re just too young,’’ I replied in no mood to tell him.

“Please grandpa. Come on, you’re Andy Thomas the great explorer of ‘Rufuss Island,’’ Peter replied convincingly.

“Okay only because of those puppy dog eyes”.

“Yes,’’ Peter yelled fist pumping.

“Okay, I want silence though,” I explained.

“It was a stormy night out on ol’ Clancy Garret. She was a beauty. My fellow sailor also my best friend, Jimmy Spears, was out on the boat with me. Everyone else had gone to the big ship for the night when the vicious storm hit. There were crashes and bangs and the boat was all over the shop. The thunder was ear shattering; the taste of salt on my face way terrible; it sung my eyes like an angry bee stinging the behind of someone.”

“Really? Wow!!” exclaimed Peter getting really excited about my story.

“I said I want silence,” I growled.

“Sorry,’’ he mumbled.

“Where was I, ahhh. I was just about to yell at Jimmy for not telling me what was ahead when I heard a big BAANNG at the front of the boat. We had hit land! The big waves had obviously pushed us into the direction of this dilapidated place. We decided we would rest here for the night; we would wait for the storm to stop. We found little weatherproof sleeping bags to sleep in and tied our boat up.’’

“I still remember this like it was yesterday and this part still scared me, so please don’t tease,’’ I asked politely.

‘’Sure,’’ Peter answered.

“The first thing we heard was the distant sound of humming to the song Jingle Bells.’’

“The Christmas song?’’ Peter questioned.

“Yes,’’ I hissed, “the other thing we first noticed was some sort of illumination. We headed for it thinking it was a light from someone’s house. It had seemed like an hour and we still hadn’t reached it. We thought it kept moving. But it couldn’t have. Or could it??????”

“Oh look at the time,’’ I said looking at the grandfather clock next to me. “Bed Peter!” I advised too tired to talk.

“But Grandpa,” Peter whined, “can’t you just tell me some more?’’

“Too late, I am exhausted,’’ I protested yawning tiredly.

“Okay, as long as you tell me the rest in the morning,’’ he pleaded getting up from his chair to give me a kiss on the nose.

“Goodnight son,” I said slowly get up from my seat.’

“Breakfast,’’ Carol my wife yelled.

I saw my grandson come out of his room with crusty eyes and really bad bed hair; he didn’t look too good.

“You look nice this morning sweetheart,” Carol giggled.

“She’s being sarcastic,” I confirmed.

“Thanks Grandpa, Grandma,” he said acknowledging us with a nod, “now for the story.”

“Fine! Breakfast first,” I vowed munching on my Weetbix and fruit.

“Okey Dokey then,” Peter nodded.

After breakfast Peter and I went down to the creek with a picnic.

“Go on,” Peter said giving me a nod to start.

“Okay, well after crashing we…….”

“You have already told me that, we are up to the illumination moving,” said Peter pointing out my mistake.

 “Anyways, we decided to stop for the night. We awoke to a large bang. We both sat bolt upright. I thought it was someone chopping wood so I was about to ask Jimmy what he thought it was, but before I could say anything he was up and ready and waiting for me. Up I got, still tired from not sleeping much the previous night. I then realised how dead this place actually looked. Cobwebs hanging from the termite eaten trees with spiders looking at us with their little black beedy eyed, looking sympathetic. Huge rats had inhabited this island and you could see them creeping beyond the shadows. Then another BANG!!!! We headed in the direction of it. On the way there were some weird things that happened, like both of us being pushed over when there was no one there. Rats and spiders kept coming up to us and it look like they were trying to point us away from the noise. But we just kept walking.” I ended with a large sigh, whilst thinking about how tiring this story telling business was.

“I’m hungry,” I announced, my stomach growling.

“Me too!” Peter agreed.

“Me three!” Giggled Carol walking down from the house.

 I reached into the basket and pulled out three chicken rolls and three pop tops. We ate in silence. I could tell Peter was bound to ask many questions.

“Grandpa, you’re finished. Please tell me some more,” Peter asked enthusiastically.

“Alright on the home stretch we are,” I declared clearly. “Many weird things happened that day but the weirdest was when we came to an opening. There was a little thatched hut sort of thing. The illumination was in there also. I marched forward proudly, hoping to find someone in there. As I touched the doorknob, I heard what sounded like a thousand voices yelling, “COMING TO GET YOU ANDY”. My conscience said let go.  So I did, as soon as I let go of it, they went away. Jimmy thought I was being a chicken. He quickly opened the door. All of a sudden a bright light pierced my eyes into blindness. Jimmy would have got it worse than me though. The last thing I remember seeing was an outline of an old man; scary as hell. That’s when I was knocked unconscious by the light.”

“WOW!” exclaimed Peter jumping out of his little pants.

“You never told me in that much detail!” Carol explained a matter of factly.

“You never asked! I still haven’t finished yet so shut your ‘pieholes’ so I can finish. I awoke to find my best friend, Jimmy Spears, lying there motionless. I checked his pulse. Nothing. That was the saddest I had ever been. Deep down I knew I had to run from the old man who killed my best friend. I wondered how I would get Jimmy home. It was then when it hit me like a ton of bricks. The illumination was gone; the voices were the Death trying to take me from this planet. The old man was a ghost who had to take a sacrificial offering to Hell and that offering was JimmyL. He was gone now, so was the ghost. I had lots of time to kill now so I tried to pick Jimmy up because he deserved to go back to his family. I couldn’t lift him. The light must have taken all of my strength as well as Jimmy. I decided to go back to the boat. I would come to get him later when I regained my strength. Luckily the storm had passed and the boat, surprisingly, started with the first attempt.

When I got back to the mainland I went to the police office and told them about my story and that there was a dead man there. Peculiarly they asked me to go to the park because someone was meeting me there to take an interview. That’s right it went into the paper. The lady interviewing me was the prettiest, most charming woman I had ever met. She still is.” I looked over to Carol who was blushing.

“Was it Grandma?” Peter questioned.

I nodded.

“I knew it!” said Peter jumping excitedly.

I laughed. Here for the questions, I could just tell he was going to ask.

“Was Jimmy’s body ever brought back? Did he have a funeral?” Peter asked.

“Yes and yes.” I nodded.


“MUUUM, DAADD!” Peter yelled running towards the black Jeep driving down towards the creek.

I smiled. My life was complete: a beautiful wife, children, grandchildren and a wonderful life to look back upon. Now I was ready to join Jimmy, in heaven.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2013 ⏰

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