My Orphanage turns into a sausage

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My name is John Keller. I am like any other twelve year old child. Like many children my life is dull and boring. My parents died in a car accident (at least that was what the police told me), when I was just one. I live in some orphanage in Manhattan (I don't remember the name). Well I have only my best friend Jack Brown, the police said his parents died with mine (I don't even remember my parents ever mentioning the Browns). I study in a school for the troubled (I don't remember the name. Yeah! Again).

The worst and the most exciting day of my life started when I was walking towards my school. On my way I passed a blue dog with red eyes. Wait! A blue dog with red eyes! I turned to look at the dog but it just vanished from its spot.

"I must have just imagined it" I said to Jack after a long debate if a blue dog could exist or not.

Our first period was English, our English teacher was Mr. Michael Robert, was an old bald man, he was totally bald that if you look carefully you can see his head shining, and his head always seemed to be round. We always crack jokes of him behind his back ("what is round and shiny?" asked Jack, "Mr. Robert's head" I said)

But today instead of Mr. Robert the headmistress, Mrs. Hallet came with a young man with a well built body, dark shades and a large overcoat.

Mrs. Hallet said, "This is Mr. Preston Blake, he will be taking the place of Mr. Robert for today"

"Good morning class" said Mr. Blake
The last time a new teacher took the place of Mr. Robert for the day I was given detention for sleeping in class.

"Well,let's start shall we? "asked Mr. Blake after Mrs. Hallet left the room.

Nobody responded since the students were not afraid of the new teachers and some students just liked rejecting them.(okay, maybe even me)
"Today we are going to read...." carrind on Mr. Blake and I..." zoned out.

Soon the bell rang and Mr. Blake said, "Today's class ends here, by the way John and Jack I need a word with you"

God alone knows how he knew our names and what he wanted from us!

He walked us through the corridor and then took a right turn and went inside the boy's toilet. Wait! That's a weird place to have a talk! We went in he was waiting for us inside, he closed the door behind us, he put his hands inside his overcoat and took out two pistols and pointed it towards us and said to me," What is the code?"

I had no idea what he was talking about so I just kept quiet; he pressed the gun towards my chest. As normal Jack started to panic and Mr. Blake was forced to shoot a bullet at his thigh. I got scared what if he shot a bullet at my chest I was a goner, I had to do something fast, I did the only thing I could, I kicked his shins and started to run with Jack's arm around my shoulder, which made it difficult (Jack was around sixty kilos). I kept on running until I reached the school gate, I took a taxi and said, "Orphanage" (luckily my orphanage was the only orphanage in Manhattan) (I don't remember the name of my orphanage). When we reached (some cars following us) I realized I didn't have money (I ate pizza yesterday). I luckily found two bucks under the seat I handed over the money and said, "Keep the change" (actually two bucks was the total)

We walked straight to my room, I found a fist-aid box, took out a bandage and tied it around Jack's leg he made a sound like a growl.

"It's hard to escape from them" Jack said.

"You think I don't know" I replied.
Honestly the only thing he came with is the most obvious statement.

"We got to keep running or we will get screwed. But what do they want from us?" asked Jack

"I have no idea" I said

"Come" I said after a few moments "I have a plan" (actually I didn't have a plan I just said it to raise Jack's spirits).

Living with Jack I learnt that he loses hope very fast.I have heard people peeing in their pants when they get very scared, but I never heard of people peeing in their pants when they are hopeless.

We ran to the main door and there was like a dozen men in black overcoats waiting for us with machine guns, among them was Mr. Blake and behind them in a corner was the caretaker shot dead! We turned around and started running, the machine gunners right behind us. We ran up two corridors and went inside an empty closet and locked the door. The men were banging on the door I guess they didnt shoot because they wanted us alive ans also wanted the machine guns to clear out people in the way and so we think they mean bussiness.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"Well you're the who said you had a plan." Jack. retorted
Jack took a deep breath and answered; "We got to fight" he took two broomsticks and tossed me one.

"They have machine guns" I reminded.

"It's fight or die my friend" he said.

"Well then it is broomsticks verses machine guns" I said (It's easy to say hard to do).

I slowly unlocked the door and opened it Mr. Blake came inside (Jack was fast) Jack hit him in his shins (just imagine hit twice in the same place), Mr. Blake was rolling on the ground. I quickly checked his body and found a pocket knide and I went out and stabbed(not stabbed obviously to death) two to three men. But, Jack was still inside, was he feeling bad for hit Mr. Blake? I called him and he came out with the machine gun Mr. Blake was using.

"Fight or die" he said, I was rooted to my spot, from where did Jack get all these sudden guts.

I stabbed a man and snatched his gun and shot (my first kill and by first kill I mean literally my first because I never even killed an ant in my life, well they do look creepy) I killed another man and Jack killed two more, then we started running for our lives without turning back and feeling sorry for the people we just killed, we ran out of the main gate.
I heard the canteen's gas blow up and I winced.
The sirens were already audible to me and I was just about to tell Jack something about running away when suddenly in front of us came a black Mercedes Benz. The window came down and the guy inside said, "Get in". I looked back and well let's say that I dont like sausages now.

A / N

Fairly new to this stuff.Pls help improve by commenting on my mistakes and I will try and update once every week (probably saturday)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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