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----"Blood pudding & one fried egg." That were the request that William Douglas had put through to the guard on the other side of the prison bars, his final request of food, his least meal as a human being. Thrown into the darkest depths of an English castle, mixed with straw, and what appeared to be excrement's from some being of some kind, William were to be killed the following morning all due to the fact that he weren't afraid to die, unlike his comrades who never stood by him. Stripped of his swords, blades & armour, William were left with nothing to defend himself other than his own two fists "Fucking cowards," William muttered under his breath, causing a guard with scars running down the side of his face to peer round into his cell. Hunched over, William gave the man a foul look quickly followed by a sarcastic smile. Tomorrow would be the day that William's entire life would change. In the period of this time, William would be sentenced to death, either by swinging by the rope in the gallows, a clean slice of the neck from the executioner, or in some extreme cases torture till death. But William were not being sentenced to his own death, and this weren't an ordinary English castle, this weren't an ordinary dingy damp prison cell. It belonged to a king of vampires, and just outside the walls of the castle were a small village bustling with a whole clan of vampires too. Tomorrow, William would be sentenced to his afterlife.

But how exactly did the great fighter William Douglas end up here after a life of loyalty, happiness, and love? That bastard king of Scotland, declaring war on England for wanting to take over the land. In all honesty, William thought that England should at least help, the money in this part of the island were bare. Of course, his family & village could survive with their crops & livestock but the resources for clothes, building & military were poor & they needed the extra trade to help. But according to all civilians in Scotland, they disagreed with William. It were 'Scotland for Scotland' a land of headstrong, proud men & women, a land that would fight to keep its identity, culture, and language. It weren't that William weren't proud of his heritage, he loved Scotland just as much as the next person, but seeing how their land were becoming ruins due to lack of funding and support were enough for him to call out on it. Although, by doing so, William were ridiculed as a traitor to Scotland, despite his argument in his dedication, so to prove his loyalty, William joined the Kings men in fighting the English. Compared to the other men in the army, William did have a fair more experience with swordsmanship, and other weaponry. And the reason for the that, were his father, a blacksmith with ties to the military. William and his brother Henry were always the first to try out the first of their fathers creations, and he were always confident that they were safe fighters, after all the pair had fought each other with wooden swords and daggers as children. The brothers were a two years apart in age, William being the eldest, and were a wild and free pair. They did as they pleased so long as it meant no harm came to others. If they wanted to climb the mountains & hills, then they would do just such. If they wanted to dive from the rocks into one of the surrounding lakes, they would. And if they wanted to fight over the bed of a woman, well, they did. Admittedly all the women had their eyes set on William, for he were tall, broad, with deep red hair the colour of a dying fire, with eyes the colour of their embers. William would bed with a woman from time to time, but were always careful and gentle, unless the woman stated so.
For Williams father, it were important to him that William were trained to fight, in case of an attack or a community raid. So his training were at the highest peak when he joined the army. But of course, it were no match for vampires. William were crowned the toughest soldier, with no care for another mans death, he would slash and rip through the opposing men as if they were simply cutting wheat grains from a field. He were ruthless. That were until the vampires decided to intervene. It were a matter of minutes that the 400 strong army were simply down to 6 men. The remaining few simply surrounded, and the vampires with no remorse for humanity's fear, would simply end their misery. All except William. They'd heard what kind of man he were. How important he believed life to be. And so, in a way of torture, they decided to take him, to change him, make him one of their own. Either to watch his family from a distance grow old and die while he stayed forever young, or simply make him kill his family as a sickening type of closure, they hadn't yet decided.

A scraping on the floor took William out of his thoughts, and to the item now by his feet. A steel plate with black pudding and one fried egg. His last meal. "Hope you don't mind, but we don't own pigs. We used the blood of some of your friends instead. Don't worry, you'll get used to the taste, after all, it's all you'll know tomorrow." The man were of heavy build but not by muscle, but by fat. He had very little hair, almost none, except the thin streaks of grey upon his head. His eyes were a drowned green, that of filthy pond water. His sneer were crooked, teeth yellow, with one brown rotting tooth. William gave an almighty roar, and threw the plate & food back at the guard, who, using his impeccable speed, caught the disc that were the 'homemade' black pudding, and quite happily took a bite from it, giving out a hum of enjoyment "Mmm!" He purred "You can even taste the fear, it blends nicely with the onion. Sharp and rancid." The vampire threw his head back and laughed, making his way toward the prison doors to leave "Starve all you want soldier man! Tomorrow you won't be able to get enough!" He gave another sinister chuckle, sliding his foot on the floor briefly, followed by a crash of the heavy wooden door, and finally a click of a lock.
To William'sleft, there stood a window at the top of a ramp, the only way you could reach it were by jumping up and being lucky enough to grab the bars, in this case, William being 6"2, he were. He jumped, and managed to grab the bars shielding him in, and pull himself us to look out below. The window had no glass, so that the prisoners inside could feel the heat, the cold, the wet weather, the wind, or snow. Anything to make their living conditions hell. Looking down at the scene below, he found the clans people talking between each other and going about their day as if they were just normal, ordinary people, and not the living dead. The only real indicator that the people below weren't human, were that humans were being brought inside the castle walls, bound together in chains, and pushed to a wooden stage. Here they would be hung upside down, and their throats slit without a second thought. This were how they would get their blood supply. Their regular feed. To think that by that time tomorrow, William would be relying on that too. He could feel his heart sinking with dread. He pulled his eyes away from the bloody scene, watching the guards patrol around the premises, and he couldn't help but wonder what could they possibly be on the look out for, it were almost impossible to kill the vampires during the battle, what would be coming for them that would pose such a threat? To the right of the window, a series of banging appeared from out the window. Looking to the source, William saw a cross like shape being built out of wood. He assumed that that were where he would going to be changed. He tried to imagine it, what it would be like, if there were much pain, how the process would work, would he feel his body changing? His mind turned to his family now. Apart of him felt as though they were here, that they too would be changed, or maybe slaughtered in front of him. Another part of him worried that after William had been taken prisoner, they head towards his home town, tearing it apart and torching it. It were worry upon worry, and it were all out of his control. The only thing he could were sleep, no matter how soiled, cold, and damp the floor were.

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