Chapter 4

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The second week passed as quickly as the first and before I knew it, it was Saturday. I was sitting in my room trying to get through The Odyssey when Maggie texted me that her and the guys were going mini golfing if I wanted to come. I replied yes and pulled on some old leggings and a spaghetti strap purple shirt. I took the keys to my moms Ford Explorer and yelled to her and my dad, pretty much whoever bothered to listen, that I was meeting my friends. I pulled into the golf course and turned my car off. Too busy scanning the fields for my friends, I didn't see Connor start to approach my car. He knocked on the window, snapping me out of my daze and making me let out a loud scream. He opened the door,
"Well hello to you too Ashley" he laughed and stepped out of my way as to let me get out of the car. I slid onto the ground where I sat for a moment or two.
"Stop being dramatic" he pulled me onto my feet. I stared at him then hit him on the shoulder.
"I almost peed myself" I said folding my arms.
"Not my fault you have a weak bladder."'he said patting my back, "the rest of us are inside the club rental hut." he said leading the way. I followed after him until he stopped outside the doors.
"Eric has a girlfriend" he blurted out.
"Eric! Our Eric has a girl that's dating him?" I said shocked.
"He brought her here" Connor said gesturing to the rental hut.
"Wow, this will" I said walking past Connor and opening the door to the rental station. Maggie looked up from her phone and ran to me.
"Thank god you're here! Eric's been sucking her face for forever!" Maggie moaned pointing to Eric and a petit blonde locked together.
"Still!" Connor exclaimed. Slowly the duo unlocked themselves and made there way towards us slightly out of breath.
"Ashley, hi! Oh and this little hottie is Tammie" he said squeezing her sides. Tammie let out a giggle. I didn't respond I just shared a look with Maggie.
"Ready?" Eric said breaking the awkward silence.

We walked out onto the course, golf clubs in hand.
"I don't get why he even invited her!" Connor complained.
"Why are you so mad at it?" I asked curiously. Maggie sulked behind me, "what is wrong with the two of you?" I said utterly confused.
"Nothing" they said in unison. Eric and Tammie were a few yards back, they had stopped to make out outside the rental hut, then again by a tree, then by another tree. It kept happening like this until Maggie yelled at them to pick up the pace. We finally arrived at the first hole.
"I'll go first" Connor volunteered. He stepped up and got into position but before he took a swing Eric interrupted him.
"Don't you think Tammie should go first? I mean it is 'ladies first'" Connor shot Eric a glare.
"You're right Eric, ladies first" Maggie said picking up her club and fiercely walking to put. She swung hard and sent the ball flying past the hole and into a far off bush. She frowned and went to stand next to Connor. The process went like this: new spot, either Connor or Maggie would savagely hit the ball and send it flying, after one of them would hit it they would send the group to the next spot. By the end of our golfing excursion no one wore a happy face. Connor and Maggie walked to their cars, both slamming their doors and driving away.
"Uh, this was... nice?" I said awkwardly. Tammie didn't bother looking at me and Eric gave me a small nod.
"So um, I'm gonna go" I pointed to my car and walked away slowly.
"Ashley, thank you for being cool" he said softly.
"Sure" I smiled slightly and jumped into my car.

"She was fat too!" Maggie said sitting on my bed. She had come over after golfing, clearly in distress over the idea of Eric's new girlfriend.
"Maggie" I said softly, "you know she isn't."
"You're right! She's perfect" she plopped her face into my pillow as the doorbell rang.
"Ash, Connor's here" my father called from downstairs.
"Send him up!" I hollered back, patting Maggie's leg. I heard the sound of Connor's feet on the wooden stairs before I saw him.
"I can't believe he brought that bitch!" Connor said entering the room, "oh Maggie you're hear?" he said surprised.
"Apparently this is a 'I hate Tammie' party" I rolled my eyes.
"And you didn't send out invitations!" Connor smirked. For an hour all I heard about was Tammie. How Tammie's ass was droopy, how she had cankles, how she probably didn't use conditioner, and much, much more. By the time they left I only had a few minutes to update my fanfic.

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