The Perfect Date - Part 1

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"So, your first step towards bein' a better person!" Wander smiled wide at Hater, who looked down in annoyance. "Ah'm so proud of you!"

"I guess." Hater mumbled, annoyed. "But that doesn't mean I'm going 'good' or anything!" He quickly shouted, causing Wander to laugh quietly.

"If you say so." Wander smiled, then continued. "So, I've heard you've been having some romantic problems lately..."

"Yeah, so?" Hater said, trying to sound indifferent. "Dominator doesn't like me, it's totally cool, I'm not upset about it or anything!"

"Well, I happen to have the perfect plan for you!" Wander smiled wide, causing Sylvia to facepalm. "We're going to help you go on...."

The Perfect Date
(Part 1)

"No way! I'm not going on a date with you." Hater pouted, looking disgusted.

"Not with me, silly!" Wander laughed. "I'm talking about someone else. Someone who's had an eye on you for a while."

"Emperor Awesome?" Hater asked, and Wander shook his head.

"Someone who's always keeping an eye out for you?" Wander winked.

"Sylvia?" Hater frowned, pointing to her and making a face.

"No, silly! I'm talking about.... pause for dramatic effect... COMMANDER PEEPERS!" Wander shouted, smiling even wider than before.

"Commander Peepers?" Sylvia and Hater said at the same time.

"Seriously, Wander?" Sylvia pulled her friend aside. "You're gonna set those two up on a date? They'll probably be planning to conquer the galaxy instead!"

"Aw, c'mon! Haven't you ever heard that love conquers all?" Wander said hopefully. "Those two will be good in no time!"

"More like love conquers the galaxy." Sylvia mumbled as Wander ran back up to Hater excitedly.

"So, whaddya think?" Wander asked, grinning.

"Me... date... Peepers?" Hater stuttered, looking confused but blushing quite a bit. "N-no way! I can't date Peepers!"

"Why not?" Wander pouted. "You know what they say, Hater- to find your perfect mate, you need a perfect date!"

"Because..." Hater looked around nervously. "I just... can't! I couldn't ask him!"

"Oh come on now, Hater!" Wander chuckled. "We'll be right there to help you!"

"I'm not so sure this is a good idea, you two..." Hater stuttered, looking behind him. Wander was wearing one of the Watchdog's uniforms, and had a large eyeball mask on over his face. Sylvia, on the other hand, was simply wearing- though not of her own choice- a black bodysuit.

"Oh, you silly!" Wander smiled, but Sylvia looked like she wasn't too keen on the idea either. "Just go on up to him and ask him out! Easy as that!"

"Ok..." Hater shrugged nervously, and walked equally nervously toward Peepers' bedroom.

Hater knocked on the door, Wander and Sylvia hiding behind the side of it and peeking out.

"Yes? Who is it?" Peepers opened the door happily. "Oh, hello there, sir! What do you need?"

"Ask him, ask him!" Wander whispered excitedly. "Oh my gosh, this is so cute! They're talking to each other!"

"Wander, they talk to each other every day." Sylvia pointed out.

"Peepers...." Hater started, looking away. "I was wondering if..." he started to look unsure. "If...iiiiif..."

"Yes, sir?" Peepers asked expectantly. "If what?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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