Chapter 1

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AN- Read at your own risk. It still needs a lot of work. So for the last time IT'S UNDER MAJOR EDITING! So people please don't leave me comments that I need to edit. I know. I'll get to it when I get to it for the meantime please enjoy the story if you don't mind reading it how it is at the moment.


I take a deep breath and slowly release it as I focus on the lake house in front of me. Brown paint covers the tiles, with brick coating the chimney and rocks perfectly aligned the staircase leading to the front entrance; The blinds on the windows are pulled back so everything inside is seen.

I jump as a hand is laid on my shoulder.

"You coming inside?" My dad asks adjusting my bags in his hand.

I nod. "Yeah" I pull on the ends of my grey long sleeve shirt, a habit I picked up in seventh grade. "I just need some air."

"Okay, I'll put your things in your room." He squints at the house. "I think your mom is talking to Daisy and getting settled in. I'm gonna head in and talk to Walker." He looks around "I'm sure Oliver is around here somewhere if-"

"No" I cut him off. "I just need a minute by myself."

"Okay" he looks at me for a minute. "We'll be inside if you need us" he squeezes my shoulder then gradually makes his way inside the house.

I walk backwards until my shoes touch the sand. I spin in place to admire the lake as it sparkles from the rays of sun, the sky a light orange, tinted with some red.

How I wish I could be somewhere else. Instead I'm stuck here, at the Kings lake house for the whole summer. Not only that, but I'm stuck with Oliver King, my archenemy throughout high school and my parents best friends son.


I turn to my mom who is standing in the front entrance.

"Come and eat!" She shouts

"Im coming!"

My mom, satisfied with my response walks back inside. I walk back to the front sidewalk and brush the sand off my white converse. Then with all the confidence I can muster I take one step ahead of another until I step inside.

Chatter makes its way to my ears. I make a move to the kitchen, adjusting my glasses that I recently got but freeze as soon as I hear footsteps. I look at the staircase and none other then Oliver King is walking down the stairs. His brown hair is stylishly messy and has somewhat bushy eyebrows and a jaw that could cut steel with cold, dark, black eyes that are already glaring at me.

"What the hell are you staring at ugly?" He shoves past me, making me stumble backwards.

I manage to catch myself and watch Oliver's back as he enters the kitchen. Burning hatred swirls inside my chest. Being called ugly is nothing new, yet it still hurts every time. The only person I have ever hated has been and will always be Oliver King. After composing myself, I follow him into the kitchen. My mom is in a deep conversation with Daisy, Oliver's mom. From here I notice my dad focused on the TV with Walker, Oliver's dad. I glance at Oliver who is at the table. He's too busy texting away to even notice that I'm in the room. I decide to leave but just as I'm about to exit, Daisy catches sight of me.

"Quinn darling!" She moves around the counter, and pulls me in a hug.

I awkwardly pat her back, then step away. "Hi Mrs. King."

Daisy shoots me a look.

I clear my throat "I mean hi Daisy."

Daisy chuckles and takes ahold of my hand "Come on girl, we have to get you something to eat!" She leads me to the table, pulling out a chair right next to Oliver.

Daisy grabs me by the shoulders and plants me on the chair. Oliver glances at me, a scowl appearing on his face, then he goes back to his phone.

"The food will be ready in just a few minutes." She looks at Oliver. "Oliver get off that goddamn phone and converse with Quinn or I'll take it from you."

Oliver sighs loudly. He swears under his breath but does as she says. "Nice glasses." He says to me with fake enthusiasm.

His mom beams with pride. "You two get talking. I'll be back with the food." She walks away yelling at her Walker to help her.

Once she's gone Oliver drops the act. "Thanks for ruining my summer four eyed." He says angrily. "Because of you now I'm stuck here. I should be in Florida right about now with my friends looking at hot girls in bikinis."

He unashamedly checks me out. "Not looking at a unibrowed, no boob virgin like you."

I lean as close to Oliver as I dare too and in a low menacing voice I say " I would rather be dead than look at your stupid face and listen to your voice that bores people to death."

He smirks moving even closer to me that our noses almost touch. "Is that all you got quinnzella?"

I don't respond. Instead I grab the glass filled with water and take a drink. As I sip my water  I look around and notice that none of our parents are paying attention so I purposely spill my drink on Oliver's pants, this is what he gets for being an asshole.

Oliver stands and clenches his teeth. He grabs the napkin from the table and slowly dabs at his pants.

"You're gonna pay for that." He threatens

I stand so we're facing each other.

"What are you gonna do now? Huh? Newsflash we're not in school surrounded by teachers we're surrounded by our parents. How are you gonna hurt me when they're around?"

He smirks. "I'll figure it out." He lifts a hand to my face. I still. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, his hand lingering.

He leans downs, his lips almost touching my ear. "And this time Quinn you won't forget it." Then he rips my earring off.

I bite my tongue. He smiles and holds up my small hoop earring. "I'll keep this. It's a trophy." He brushes past me, joining his father on the couch.

I raise a hand to my ear gently pressing on it. It's stings and I notice blood on my fingertips. I arrange my hair to hide the blood and make my way to the bathroom.

As I look in the mirror I notice blood is now creeping down my neck. I rummage through the drawers until I find rubbing alcohol. I pour a little on a piece of toilet paper and dab at my neck and ear. Once my ear stops bleeding I remove the other earring. No use in having one earring in, if it doesn't have its twin.

I stay in the bathroom for some time as I think of how crappy my summer is going to be. One thing is for sure, being here is hell and Oliver is just going to make it worse.

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