Chapter Nine - What Did I Do

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Zayn -

"Thanks Lou for really cheering my up this week I don't know what I'd do without you." I patted Louis's back as we walked to school.

"No problem I'm here for you always Z." He smiled at me.

"I'm just dreading seeing Satan again." I groaned. Yes we both decided to call Harry Satan because the name fits him perfectly.

"Don't worry I'll be here to cut a bitch if I need too just ignore him." I giggled as Louis's comment on "cutting a bitch."

Once we arrived at school it seemed like everyone's eyes were on me.
I furrowed my eyebrows and cocked my head to the side as I looked at Louis while he just shrugged.

"Just ignore them I'm sure it isn't anything. He reassured me.

I felt better until Liam one of Harry's friends came up to me.

"Hey faggot why don't you give me a show in some panties." He snorted as my face got bright red.
Everyone in the school parking lot started to laugh as more people came up to me.

"Hey Zayn maybe you could lend me some bras?" Gigi cackled while smirking at me.

"Listen here you fake tanned ugly ass skank drink some bleach and maybe your boyfriend will like you better." Louis snapped at her while he linked arms with me.

"How much for a lap dance?"

"Hey babe saw your pictures and you are looking delicious."

My face turned red as I ran inside but once I opened those doors I wish I didn't.

All of my pictures from tumblr were scattered across the floor printed out. Posted to the wall as teachers were trying to clean them up as fast as they could.

My whole body stopped and shook as everything seemed like it was going in slow motion. There was so many copies of my body everywhere tapped to the wall on doors stuffed insides of lockers. I covered my mouth to hide the sobs that were about to scream out.

"NOTHING TO SEE HERE GET THE FUCK AWAY ILL STAB A BITCH!" Louis's voice yelled at everyone trying to make comments at me.

I someone managed to get out of the crowd and I sprinted as fast as I could home. My legs burned as my tears stained my face but I didn't care I ran and didn't look back until I was in my bedroom.

I slammed my face down in my pillow as I screamed feeling betrayed and used. How could have Harry done this to me. Nothing makes sense anymore he probably used me as a joke for his friends. I felt nothing anymore no emotion was running through me except pain my heart had enough but most of all I was embarrassed.


Harry - (Earlier This Morning)

I had Niall one of my best friends to hack the schools computers and printers. Which meant Zayn's photos would keep printing out of all the schools printers no matter what.

I had Liam and Niall both print out as many copies they could at home as I did the same.

We decided to go into the school during early hours while the teachers were in meetings.

"This has got to be one of your best pranks yet Harry!" Niall high fived me as he started running down the hall throwing papers everywhere.

"Yeah mate how did you even know this kid had a tumblr." Liam asked me laughing.

"Let's just say I have my ways now go spread these everywhere and we will meet back here when the bell rings." I directed Liam as he went down another hallway stuffing them into lockers.

I walked down the long strip emptying papers of Zayn's body everywhere the hallway was a swarm of pictures as I looked back and smiled.

Once the bell rang we looked around us laughing at how the school was pilled with Zayn in lingerie.

"Let's get out of here before we get caught." Niall exclaimed as we ran out laughing.

All the students started to fill in as I watched in the parking lot as laughter and gasps started to erupt. Everyone was snapchatting the halls and the papers scattered everywhere.

I ducked to the side of the school as I saw Zayn walk in with Louis looking very confused a cute. Wait no not cute I'm trying to get him to hate me. I saw Liam go up to him and say something but I couldn't make out what he had said but all I did see was Zayn's tan completion turn white as his eyes widened. Loads of people started to gather around him as he ran into the school.
I didn't see him come out until 10 minutes later with tears running down his face as he ran.
I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt a tear drop hit my hand.

"What the fuck did I do!"

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