Chapter Two - Prince Not-so-Charming

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Chapter Two - Prince Not-So-Charming

"You look fat in that shirt," Riley announced. "Try the teal and purple one."

Riley is the kind of person that can scare you a little when you first meet her. She's awesome, funny, and my best friend, but she has no filter. She just blurts out whatever she's thinking. That's part of the reason I like her so much. No matter what, Riley will always tell you the truth.

I sigh and walk back into my closet, looking for a new shirt.

"Why do I have to stand out? Or even look good?" I complain, "It's just school!"

"Are you gonna wear your Uggs?"




"How about I dress myself, and then you say I look fantastic?"

"I promise I will do all of that, except for the last part. So, then, show me your best outfit! Ugg-less, of course."

I sigh and pull on a few different clothes and let my muddy blonde hair out of its braid, finishing up by pulling on a pair of ruby red booties.

I walk out of the closet to find Riley sitting on my bed, eating yesterday's post-breakup cookies.

I laugh, then twirl around, showing off my outfit.

"What do you think?" I ask.

She smiles, "Very you, it's cute."


"It just needs..." Riley mutters, pulling off one of her many coloured necklaces, "this." And she tosses me the necklace.

I catch it and admire it for a second. It's  a red feather on a delicate gold chain. I slip it over my neck and Riley admires my outfit.

"Are we done?" I ask, knowing that Riley is the fashion expert in this friendship

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"Are we done?" I ask, knowing that Riley is the fashion expert in this friendship.

"You look great, Cass. Let's go make an entrance."


You would think that by the way North Rainwater High was designed, it was made to be a movie set. The basic design was a two-storey cross, with a main hallway for each grade level and the cafeteria and library in the middle. There were smaller hallways running around the cross, some of them open-air. The rest of the grounds were for break periods or PE and other sports, excluding another smaller building, A hundred meters away from the main building, that was for arts and technology.

Riley and I walk to the big glass doors and the end of the Junior's hallway.

"Strut." She whispers to me, then pushes open the doors.

I strut.

I could tell that people were watching me and gossiping about the breakup. Let them talk. I feel like I could take on the world.

That is, until I crashed into someone.

"Hey!" I cry, glaring at the back of a head of brown hair.

Riley just rolls her eyes, "Idiot."

The boy turned around and glared at Riley. I suddenly realize that this boy is on the football team. And if you mess with one guy on the team, you mess with all of them.

Judging by the look on Riley's face, she's just realized it too.

"Let me introduce the school's newest bitch!" He calls, snickering slightly, as more football boys gather around him.

Riley's face flickers from surprised, to frightened to submissive.

And rage boils up in me.

"Sorry." She mutters looking away.

I slide in front of Riley, looking directly into the boy's chocolate brown eyes, and snarl. 

"And let me introduce the school's newest asshole," I say, glaring up at the brown haired boy. My hands were planted firmly on my hips.

At first, the boy looks surprised that anyone would talk back to him. Then he smirks.

"Well, well, well. Or maybe Blondie here is the new head bitch!"

"New head bitch?" I ask, incredulous. "You had no right to talk to her like that! You were the one that got in our way, not the other way around."

The guy cocked his head, surprised. "Do you know who I am?"

"A numbskull?" I offered sweetly.

A few of the football players let out a nervous chuckle.

"Try Jackson Morgans, the star wide receiver for-"

"I don't have time for this." I interrupt, and pushed past him, making my way down the hall to my locker.

I had only walked a few steps when my brain had the brilliant idea to glance back at Jackson Morgans.

So I did.

Stupid brain.

And Jackson Morgans was standing there in the middle of the hallway, still staring at me, with a small smirk on his face


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