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Chris' POV

I was driving my car and I had gotten bored yet again so I had decided to pull out my phone and snapchat. "Just got out of vocal training, on my way to get some f-".

I swerved into the other lane. All of a sudden I heard a HONK sound. I felt the impact of a truck slamming into a car. I heard the glass of my car break and the sickening sound of my bones cracking.

Im going to die.

My breaths were labored and I cried out in agony. I turned my head around and could see a puddle of my blood. "I'm going to die", I croaked.

I felt my vision blurring and my head spinning of my loss of blood. I could feel myself slowly losing consciousness. I heard the sound of an ambulance just before I was consumed by the darkness.


My eyes slowly fluttered open, my vision got clearer as I rubbed on my eye sockets.

"Wh- where am I?" I managed to choke out.

"OH MY GOD" a lady in scrubs, which I assumed was the nurse, exclaimed.

She dashed out of the room with a clipboard in her hands. Confused, I looked around.

I'm at a hospital..but why?

My hand slowly reached for the glass of water on the desk beside me, but the door had swung open.

I jumped at the sudden movement.

"Oh my god! You woke up" some dude in a black flannel gasped. He ran over next to my bed and wrapped his arms gently around my sore body.

"Wait, Crawford..I forgot to tell you. When he was taken in the ICU, they said he had a mild concussion and lost his memory. He doesn't know his whereabouts unless you retrace every step throughout his life- do you think you can do that?" The nurse asked worryingly.

The boy, who's name is 'Crawford' gave the petite lady a nod before looking back at me.

"Should I call his girlfriend and tell her..or should I just wait for tomorrow when visitors are allowed?" He asked.

"I suggest for you to tell her about his condition first, and tomorrow you guys will be able to see him." She placed her clipboard on a small table in front of some monitors.

"Do you know when he's able to get released?"

"Oh- hm...ooh. Tomorrow afternoon."

"Thank you so much" the Crawford dude smiled and dialed someone's number on his phone.

"Hey- Sierra! Listen to me, Chris woke up. But only family members are allowed. Tomorrow afternoon we can come and pick him up. The nurse said he has amnesia- no- let me talk!" His voice rose a bit before he walked out of the room, leaving me with the nurse.

"Do you know your name?" She asked softly.

"I'm not sure..I heard Crawford say 'Chris'...is that my name?"

She nodded, "Christian Collins is your full name. Crawford, the boy on the phone, is your brother. Your parents were contacted, but they couldn't book a flight home due to horrible weather. You'll eventually get to see them though".

I sent her a puzzled look, she sighed.

"Well, let me start this up...and I will be right back"

Her finger pushed some buttons and turned some knobs, she then left me alone in the room.

Until Crawford walked in.

"You're my brother?" I asked, he nodded.

"Why are you a brunette?"

He cracked a smile before chuckling, "you dyed your hair..so you're a blonde".

"That..makes sense. Thanks" I gently scratched the back of my head.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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