Bothersome (Chapter 1)

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(Y/N)'s POV

Ever since our wedding day, calls have been blowing up Sehun's phone. Each and every one was from the head of SM.

They weren't taking the marriage too lightly, I'm guessing.

They wouldn't want me interfering in his work life. I also don't think that Sehun fans would be at their happiest.

I approach our couch, seeing Sehun lay there holding his head in his hands.

"Hey...did they call again...?"

He nodded, sniffling a bit.

"And what'd they say this time, Sehunnie?"

Suddenly, I was pulled down in a position where I laid against Sehun's chest.

"I have...I have a choice...."

"That is..?"

"It's either you or my music career..."

"Well that's a bs choice... They can't make you do that! You can't choose between those two things!! I know how important your band is to you-"

"I chose you, (Y/N)...."

"What? Don't you wanna be with the guys?"

"I wanna be with my wife as well, (Y/N)... If you think I'd choose the band over you, you must not know me as well as I thought..."

I look away, not being able to make eye contact with him because of the bone-chilling stare he held.

He sat up, making me sit up as well and engulfed me a tight hug, nuzzling my neck.

"I love you..."

"I love you too... But I still won't let you choose me over the band, Sehun."

"You need me here though.."

"I could take care of myself sometimes, you know. You'll still see me. Just not often..."


Before he could even finish that one word his phone began to ring.

The SM logo popped up, and beads of sweat had ran down my face the closer Sehun's hand had gotten to his phone.

Finally, he picked it up and sighed "Yoboseyo?"

Sehun's continuous nods made me even more nervous, which I didn't think that would be possible.

He gave me a concerning look before saying quietly.

"I'm gonna stay with the band, Sir..."

I can't say I'm not hurting by this.. But they need him. They need their maknae. I'll let them have him. There's thousands of people that want Sehun there with EXO. I'm only one person. You can see where my logic is, basically.

One person against thousands. I'll save Sehun and I the trouble by letting him choose EXO over me.

I could tell his boss was happy because I heard someone scream 'Excellent!!' over the phone, causing Sehun to squint and me to laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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